Steven McGehee
The Last of Us finds a very appropriate home on the PS4.
Once again, Sniper Elite proves to be a really fun and engaging game, despite its numerous bugs at launch. If you can stomach the issues, there's a lot of enjoyment to be had, but Rebellion really needs to tighten up their QA problems, and maybe then they can focus on an all around more robust entry next time.
A fun, interesting, and altogether engaging take on tower defense, Space Run is a sleeper hit.
It's not without its flaws to be sure, some of which are patchable, but Murdered Soul Suspect offers an interesting mystery and enough other positives to make it well worth playing.
A successful reboot of a classic that manages to meld game design from the old school FPS days with modern elements, giving players the best of both.
Bound By Flames is a fun and very competent RPG whose pros clearly overshadow its cons. It's not perfect, it's not from a big budget studio, isn't 100+ hours, and it doesn't say Scrolls, Age, or Souls on the box, but any fan of the genre should give it a legit shot -- I think they'll be pleasantly surprised as I was.
For all but the most passionate Spider-Man fans, TAS2 is one you can safely skip or get by with on a rental.
If you're looking for an accessible and often-fun four player competitive splitscreen game, Cel Damage HD is worth a look.
KSR is better and deeper than most motion controlled games that I have played, especially of the family/sports compilation variety. However, it's still light on content and just doesn't have a great deal of staying power or replay value you would hope for.
An overall very well developed puzzle-platformer that can entertain -- or frustrate depending on your skills and patience -- for hours.
A great game as is, although it has a few very patchable issues that could really put it over the top.
A sort of diamond in the rough perhaps, in that Daedalic did a fine job with many aspects of Blackguards, yet a handful of problems, certainly some more crucial than others, and yet all patchable, keep the overall experience stunted.
In a raw battle between pros and cons, the pros for Max: The Curse of Brotherhood win the day, but the cons deliver ample opportunity for frustration. At the end of the day, this is a good addition to your digital collection.
Zoo Tycoon is engaging, rewarding, and fun, just don't burn yourself out on it too quickly. It isn't so much for the hardcore sim manager, but for those not looking for a tremendous amount of depth, there's a lot to like with what Frontier offers.
Fighter Within has plenty of shortcomings, but more importantly, I'm having a lot of fun.
LocoCycle offers a simple fun arcade experience set against a wild and fairly humorous story. It's not going to pass any "next gen" Litmus test as far as graphics and gameplay goes, but it's enjoyable nonetheless.
FIFA's first outing on next-gen is a solid effort that isn't likely to disappoint the casual or hardcore FIFA fan. Between the two, the Xbox One version includes voice command support via Kinect and legendary players in Ultimate Team, so I give it a slight edge as otherwise the gameplay is identical.
Madden's debut release onto next-gen is impressive and a solid first step.
The PS4 version touts some nice presentation boosts while maintaining the excellent gameplay that you would expect from Trine 2. If you don't currently on Trine 2, this version is a great one to get.
It's got its fair share of flaws, some of which could be patched-up, but I found the sum of Deadfall Adventures' parts good enough, and more importantly fun enough, to keep playing. Anyone that enjoys FPS games and who aren't too spoiled by AAA quality titles is likely to find at least several fun hours with Deadfall.