Filipe Mesquita

38 games reviewed
77.4 average score
80 median score
97.4% of games recommended
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6 / 10.0 - Eternal Hope
Jul 8, 2022

Eternal Hope is a game with many qualities, but whose flaws leave it far short of its inspirations. While the narrative is very engaging and the visual direction is vibrant, the mechanical simplicity doesn't translate into completely satisfying gameplay due to notable problems and very unchallenging puzzles. It's a title that will give fans of platform and puzzle games a few moments of pleasure, but whose inspirations from the highly acclaimed Limbo leave us with the feeling of enormous unrealized potential.

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8 / 10.0 - Card Shark
Jun 23, 2022

Card Shark is a game like no other, brilliantly blending compelling narrative and gameplay based on captivating, fun-to-learn minigames and small puzzles. It is also a title that is always a pleasure to behold and listen to, although it is regrettable to be so plagued by technical problems and bugs that disrupt the experience. If these problems were not so pressing, we could be facing a game that is highly recommendable to almost everyone, but it is still a title with many tricks up its sleeve that will please many players.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Kao the Kangaroo
Jun 8, 2022

Kao the Kangaroo is a surprisingly successful game, and a quality reboot for a series that, so far, has had little impact. The platforming sections are always fun, and the search for collectibles can keep you entertained for hours. It's just not a recommendable experience for any fan of 3D platform games for having an uninspired combat system and an almost inexcusable amount of bugs and problems. With a little more love and affection, this could very well be the rebirth from the ashes of this mascot, whose next entry we will look forward to with anticipation and interest.

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May 12, 2022

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe not only recaptures the magic of almost a decade ago, as it features new and more sophisticated tricks that left us imprisoned to the screen. The original content shows its' age, but the new content is very fresh and beautifully complements Stanley's misadventures. If you never played the original, prepare to laugh, cry, be scared and reflect on everything and everyone. If you know this game since its original release, get ready to do it all again. The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is a mandatory experience for any gamer, and this new release made us remember which it's such an acclaimed indie title.

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8 / 10.0 - Ghostwire: Tokyo
Apr 14, 2022

Ghostwire: Tokyo is a good send-off to PlayStation from Bethesda. Whether we're fighting demons or exploring this impeccable recreation of the city of Tokyo, this is a fun-filled experience. Too bad the same can't be said about the narrative, which presents itself without any structure and poorly managed, which notably tarnishes the overall experience. Still, it's a recommendable worthy adventure and a nice farewell for the publisher now owned by the Japanese giant's rivals.

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10 / 10.0 - Elden Ring
Mar 23, 2022

Elden Ring is one the the best games ever released, raising quickly to our personal top of favorite games of all time. The game manages to evolve the Souls-style combat formula, while introducing an immaculate open world whose exploration is a first-minute to last-minute pleasure. Truly an experience accessible to new players, but without losing sight of the world famous "punishing game" label. Those who will invest their time and patience in learning its deep mechanics, find here an experience nothing short of perfection and that deserves all and any praise.

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Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection is an excellent collection of two of the best action games exclusive to PlayStation. The graphical and technical advances are surprisingly strong, despite the emergence of new annoying problems. We are left with the clear feeling that this is a rehearsal for what Naughty Dog has planned for the future, passing the test with flying colours. Whether you've played these two great titles or not, if there's one collection of games that's easy to recommend to any PlayStation 5 owner, it's this one.

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Feb 14, 2022

Pokémon Legends: Arceus is almost exactly what we wanted from a more modern Pokémon game. The degree of freedom we have practically since the start to explore vast areas and interact with monsters feels so natural and is an absolute delight from the first minute to the last. It's not a perfect experience, especially from a technical point of view, but the evolution is much significant and numerous than the setbacks. We can't wait to see how this entry will influence the inevitable ninth generation - or better yet, what the next Pokémon Legends will look like!

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Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl do the bare minimum to justify their current release. No doubt they add some new features and quality of life elements missing from the originals, but some of these are poorly implemented and many of the problems in the base games remain untouched. Without a doubt it's a good game and another good adventure in this ever fascinating universe, but we expected more from the remake of one of the most popular generations of Pokémon.

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It is impossible not to classify this offer as disappointing. There is merit in the work of making these classics more visually appealing and mechanically more modern, but the flaws are too many and incomprehensible. The three games are technically extremely defective, with huge crashes and numerous bugs plaguing the overall experience. Still, playing Vice City and San Andreas remains incredibly fun and enjoyable. So there is value here, but these games deserved much more love and affection from everyone involved.

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8 / 10.0 - CARRION
Nov 27, 2021

By turning the roles of heroes and villains upside down, Carrion delivers a unique and fun experience. Literally incarnating a monster and causing chaos and destruction is cathartic, and adding a surprisingly appealing narrative to it all makes for a pretty complete experience. It falls a little short in one aspect or another, namely when it comes to incentives and rewards for the careful exploration of the world, but Carrion never ceases to be an extremely recommendable game.

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Nov 1, 2021

The simplest way to describe Tetris Effect: Connected is as an unique sensory experience. The involvement of visual and aural effects with every action we take is sublime, and it's always a delight to see the entire screen reacting to our game. With so many game modes to explore, there's content here for long hours of great entertainment. This is one of the most successful audiovisual experiences on Switch, and quite possibly the best Tetris experience currently on the market.

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8 / 10.0 - Aeon Drive
Oct 25, 2021

Aeon Drive is fast, it's demanding and, above all, it's a lot of fun! With mechanics that are simple to understand, but that set them apart from much of the competition, we never stopped having fun exploring well-designed levels and experimenting with new tricks. It lacks the excellence of other titles from the same genre, mainly due to some technical hiccups and small decisions less well achieved when it comes to placing traps. Still, it is definitely a game that deserves a bigger audience than what it got so far!

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6.5 / 10.0 - Nexomon
Oct 9, 2021

Nexomon presents itself as an interesting alternative to the Pokémon series, although clearly of inferior quality. The monster capture and battle mechanics will be familiar and almost as fun as the most popular games, with this title featuring some refreshing ideas and a very captivating narrative. The lack of polish in various aspects of the experience clearly impacts in the final overall experience. Still, if it's a Pokémon clone you're looking for, there are very few offers as solid as this one.

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Oct 2, 2021

F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch is a generally interesting and appealing metroidvania, but with too many problems and frustrating design options. This title features varied gameplay and high-quality platforming sequences, but the inconsistent and frustrating combat detracts too much from the enjoyment of the experience. The obvious lack of refinement results in immense wasted potential, making this title recommendable only to the most avid fans of the genre.

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9 / 10.0 - Hades
Aug 28, 2021

Hades is a sublime experience and certainly deserving of all the praise it has received over the past year. With gameplay so juicy that we can only describe as addictive, with one of the most appealing visual and sonic aspects you can find, and with such a well-written narrative, we have no doubt that Hades is one of the best games currently available for PlayStation 5, and most likely the best roguelike produced to date.

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Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is a great and appealing offer for both Monster Hunter and JRPG fans in general. The combats are always intense, the narrative is captivating, and despite implementing so many complex systems and game mechanics, it manages to do it in such a balanced way that it manages to provide an intuitive and pleasurable experience. It's a pity the myriad of technical problems and some artificial intelligence problems hampered this experience, which is still highly recommendable.

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3 / 10.0 - Protocol
Apr 30, 2021

Protocol is an unfocused, directionless mess of a game that tries to give too much without grasping the basics. The gameplay is frustrating, the dialogue is terrible, and the number of technical problems renders it almost unbearable to play. There are a few positives here, but they are so few and far between that they don't even come close to being worth going through this experience. Stay away from Protocol, and you will indeed have a nice day.

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