Will Silberman

117 games reviewed
83.2 average score
85 median score
67.2% of games recommended
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Jun 9, 2023

Yes, The Last of Us Part I for the PC has somewhat improved a little under two months in. Graphical stutters, framedrops, and other visual artifacts currently exist. If you're able to look past those graphical shortcomings, The Last of Us Part I is a truly exceptional game. Consider waiting just a bit more before jumping into one of the best series from Sony and Naughty Dog to date.

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7 / 10.0 - Decarnation
Nov 21, 2020

Decarnation is not about the gameplay, but about the journey. And that journey is wrought with existentialism, Lovecraftian horror, and psychological quandaries that may be trigger inducing. It will grip you, refuse to let go, and entrap you until the end of its story. Should you play Decarnation, you will be opting into experiencing horror through the eyes of a protagonist you may, or may not, empathize with. Should you play Decarnation, you should also avoid sharing its execution of horrors that should remain unspeakable. In other words, avoid spoiling whenever possible.

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7 / 10.0 - Cyber Hook
Jan 24, 2023

On paper, Cyber Hook taps into several gameplay elements that are innately appealing: It encourages high-speed gameplay, it blends parkour platforming with precision, and its retrowave environments look really freaking cool. But, its PlayStation implementation is somewhat buggy, hindering the momentum further beyond progression decisions that already prevent players from blazing through the games. I want to believe that Blazing Stick will continue to support the PlayStation version and iron out some of the kinks (and hopefully release new content, too), as its current implementation leaves much to be desired.

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7 / 10.0 - Clid the Snail
Mar 1, 2018

Weird Beluga attempted to merge two distinct genres of game with Clid the Snail: top-down shooter and narrative. Although they succeeded on the worldbuilding and narrative front, the gunplay feels unforgiving, repetitive, and frustrating. I can't sleight them for trying something new, as I generally enjoyed Clid's grimy world, but I really did want more. I can't wait to see where Weird Beluga go, as Clid is a good start for hopefully something better in the future.

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Feb 12, 2024

Noreya: The Gold Project is a very pretty 2D platformer that attempts to instill agency and creativity wrapped in a nice, neat metroidvania package. Whether it does so or not is up for debate, but one thing is certain: The puzzles and platforming are quite enjoyable.

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Apr 24, 2024

Knowing the ending of FFXVI, The Rising Tide doesn’t change Clive’s outcome or add a meaningful impact to the world to warrant an emotional introspection like the main game’s story. Instead, it adds additional power to Clive’s Eikonic skillset, making him appropriately powerful for postgame content that will assuredly punish players and test their might in Final Fantasy Mode. It might be a weirdly timed expansion, but it adds enough meat to the core gameplay to encourage replaying.

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7.3 / 10.0 - Kukoos: Lost Pets
Jun 13, 2022

For an indie title, Kukoos: Lost Pets offers players a taste of charming 3D-platforming that has a potential for something much greater in the future, and I'm interested in seeing what more Kukoos has to offer in the future. Its ability-based platforming encourages folks to exercise precision, dexterity, and thoughtfulness, but I can't help but want more from PetitFabrik's charming universe that is the Kukoos. Sure, the Switch may not best accommodate precision compared to other platforms, but the platforming proper and successful charm of Kukoos is definitely enough to hold you over this holiday season.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Trinity Fusion
Dec 23, 2023

To say that Trinity Fusion is missing the mark would be overlooking its other successes as a roguelite. It boasts fluid combat and platforming that keep its gameplay fresh. The weapon/spell management tied with the Amplification system creates a persistent set of variance that avoids becoming stale. My main two critiques of the game are that of its hazy progression system and its lack of a concrete pull that keeps players engaged for longer periods of time. I know that Angry Mob Games has additional content on the way, but waiting a smidgen longer may let Trinity Fusion hit its stride as a roguelite.

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Nov 6, 2023

Killing spiders is incredibly easy – Kill It With Fire VR makes it fun. Scratch that – it makes it dumb fun. Despite the jump scares and spiders, I kept myself fully entertained because of the sheer number of ridiculous things I could use to kill spiders. If a book from the shelf wasn't enough, maybe a shotgun would do the trick. No dice? Shurikens. No? Fine. Flamethrower. That'll work. Some of its controls lack explanation and its features could be better explained. Once you figure it out, Kill It With Fire VR lends itself for a fun afternoon VR experience or party game if you want to mess around with some friends.

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7.5 / 10.0 - AK-xolotl
Sep 13, 2023

AK-xolotl is a difficult yet highly engaging roguelike that will make you fall in love with its charming woodland creatures while laughing at its absurd violence. Seeing my goofy little AK-xolotl with a giant gun made me grin from ear to ear. It's the roguelike fever dream I've always wanted. Once it gets in the hands of players and additional content is added that can smooth out its presentation of information, I'm confident that folks will enjoy this game.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Nightmare Reaper
Oct 1, 2022

Switch owners should definitely consider Nightmare Reaper if you're wishing for a retro shooter that successfully marries roguelite gameplay, fountains of 2D gore, and elements of the original DOOM games. The difficulty curve may be steep at times, but it's worth sticking with given its high replayability and fresh takes on chaotic first-person combat. I highly recommend Nightmare Reaper for those wanting a bloodbath or an adrenaline rush, as you'll definitely get it alongside some fun bonus content.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Arcadeggedon
Aug 1, 2022

I cannot help but appreciate how Arcadegeddon hooked me into this really player-friendly loot shooter. The arcade-y elements are replayable, rewarding, and worth playing with friends. Arcadegeddon hits the spot as an MMO with roguelite elements with an awesome arcade aesthetic. But, I want more. Much more. If Arcadegeddon is to succeed in the MMO/roguelite space in the longer term, some of the advancement mechanics (such as preserving progress of longer runs) and lategame gameplay needs to be refined and expanded. I want additional modes like time trials that can easily and reliably completed in a single sitting. At the same time, I want some additional variety to make a three hour gauntlet exciting to reach. If you're wanting a co-op loot shooter that's easily picked up and played, look no further than Arcadegeddon. If you want something deeper, wait around a bit. Hopefully Arcadegeddon can hit that sweet spot, too.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Grand Theft Auto V
Mar 27, 2022

Either way, there are multiple reasons to praise the next-gen version of GTA V and GTA Online, but be warned that the new player experience is still much to be desired compared to other MMOs. If you own a PS5, you should definitely take advantage of trying out GTA Online before it becomes a premium game in a few months.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Dystopika
Jul 20, 2024

Dystopika is the epitome of chilling and building a cyberpunk city of my own design. The lack of stakes, instructions, and guidance instills an experience of simply doing and being rewarded for creative designs rather than carbon-copy cities that look and function alike. If you're in the market for a relaxing citybuilder to play in your downtime, look no further.

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Bandle Tale: A League of Legends Story demystifies yordles’ existence in a way that emulates some modern simulation favorites like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. While its gameplay skews more straightforward, guided, and simplistic, Bandle Tale is presented in a way that is charming and contains ample mystique thanks to its glorious pixel art and soundtrack.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Bahnsen Knights
Jan 17, 2024

Bahnsen Knights is an interesting visual novel that leans heavily on pulp fiction storytelling while giving players the illusion of choice. While the game is quite short, it’s a good recommendation for a player wanting a gripping narrative set within a late 80s aesthetic.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Outer Wilds
Dec 20, 2023

Outer Wilds: Archaeologist Edition is the best chance Nintendo Switch players have at experiencing a truly innovative game, albeit one that isn’t best presented on Nintendo’s little console that could. There’s quite a lot stacked against Outer Wilds thanks to how quickly it lets players do what they want and the clunkiness of the early game. Acquired tastes aside, it’s worth a try and even worth to complete. That said, if you want the best experience, you’re probably better off choosing the PC/XB/PS versions.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Long Gone Days
Oct 10, 2023

Long Gone Days makes an incredibly easy recommendation for those wanting a narrative-forward and cerebral RPG that will make you feel emotions along story beats. It excels in storytelling and creating feelings of fear out of a war-torn alternate reality where geopolitical tensions are as equally sensitive as they are now. But, if you want an RPG that encourages thoughtful party management and turn-based combat, you should look elsewhere.

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7.8 / 10.0 - Summum Aeterna
Oct 4, 2023

Summum Aeterna is a good, but slightly difficult, roguelike that takes place in the universe of Aeterna Noctis. While it doesn't fully succeed in its world crawling fantasy of selecting starting biomes with benefits and detriments, it definitely removes much of the roguelike frustrations by giving the player permanent power in many forms. It's a gorgeous roguelike I can see myself returning to just so I can feel powerful, albeit not as powerful as I felt while playing Aeterna Noctis.

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8 / 10.0 - SCHiM
Feb 26, 2020

Great googly moogly, SCHiM is a beautiful feat of a 3D-platformer with puzzle elements. Its most charming and emotional moments will sneak up on you, so enjoy every single second of this cozy tale of a little shadow that could.

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