Daniel García
Can perfection be perfected? Yes, and Metroid Prime Remastered is living proof of that. This game is an example of how to bring back a work that marked the past, present and future of the industry.
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A unique game that communicates directly with our childhood through its superficial adventures and its darkest secrets. It has enough potential to please every indie lover and it exudes personality on all sides.
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This game is a must for any strategy RPG lover. Localized to Spanish, with quality of life improvements and much more, Tactics Ogre Reborn deserves a favorite place in its genre.
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Street Fighter 6 has managed to give a revolutionary air to the franchise while maintaining the essence that characterizes it. Thanks to its new controls, it is an ideal game for both novice and expert players.
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A return in style for a saga that deserves much more popularity. Pikmin 4 is fun and challenging, but also accessible, original and very well polished. An essential title with Nintendo's seal of quality.
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A collection with two titles that come to PS5 with an outstanding technical section. It is the perfect excuse to enjoy the adventures of Nathan and Chloe with a visual, sound and control qualities of new generation.
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Gran Turismo 7 shows passion for cars on and off the tracks. Its driving, the use of DualSense or the photo mode have a scandalous level. On the other hand, its biggest flaw is the need to be always online to access the game.
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An expansion that broadly expands the game experience. With the omission of Frenzy events, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak bets on monsters, NPC companions and a more western setting.
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It is always to be celebrated that we have access to releases that never left Japan. Also, despite being originally released in 1994, it is still able to show fresh and original gameplay mechanics today.
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This brilliant simulator is capable of offering a great balance between accessibility and complexity. Any Formula 1 lover in general will enjoy the team management that this title has. Some details can be improved, but it is still a game as entertaining as it is addictive.
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An ideal title to have fun both alone and in a group. This is one of the best Kirby adventures out there and, together with its new features, it becomes a highly recommended game for all ages.
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The classic bubble-busting game is back in a very complete title. Puzzle Bobble Everybubble! is ideal for all ages and to have fun both alone and in company. Its competitive online is surprisingly good.
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Tenebris Pictura is a narrative adventure with puzzles and combat with a very successful setting. Its puzzles are very challenging and its combat, although sometimes unfair, can be very fun.
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A worthy successor to XCOM, Phoenix Point: Behemoth Edition is an ideal game for those who are looking for a complex turn-based strategy title. It may be difficult, but it is a completely immersive experience.
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A very well rounded and complete platform game. Artistically attractive, an enviable musical quality, very well worked controls and very addictive levels. Maybe it's easy, but Marsupilami: Hoobadventure has many strong points and it doesn't lack in any section.
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A delightful title for any lover of mental challenges. Big Brain Academy once again launches a title that proves that video games can also have a didactic and constructive power.
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As an open world game it works phenomenally well and, although technically not perfect, its gameplay mechanics are addictive and will appeal to any zombie survival enthusiast. The day-night cycle is implemented wonderfully.
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A game with great personality and heart that, despite its limitations, is capable of winning over anyone who plays it. Its mechanics are a lot of fun, it allows us to be creative and its story is surprisingly deep.
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This title takes many typical Souls-like elements and gives it a personal touch with its delightful combat mechanics. A very fun and challenging experience.
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The game is full of personality, energy and fun. This platform title takes very good references and shows again the development potential that exists in Spain.
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