Grant E. Gaines

Livonia, MI

Favorite Games:

169 games reviewed
71.7 average score
75 median score
50.6% of games recommended
3.5 / 5.0 - Moonlighter
May 29, 2018

For as much as I complained about Moonlighter, it's actually a lot of fun, it just has a lot of bad parts between the fun bits. If the bugs get hammered out, upgrading becomes practical and the progression arc is reduced in the future or at least on the Switch version I can see it being a hit, but the current form needs a lot of work. Glitches and errors aside, the idea of constantly having to collect and sell loot to purchase marginally better gear is daunting, leaving an experience that is pretty bland. Combine this with the fact the experience is more static than varied and you have an interesting adventure that does almost everything in its power to squander what good it has. Hopefully it will improve in the future and those willing to take the chance on it won't have a terrible time, it just has a lot of room to improve.

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Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time might not be the most exciting narrative, it has enough to see and do to be fun. The art style and character interactions make it feel like an anime series, with the gameplay being deep enough to retain interest. Sadly, the time elements can be annoying, especially when you just miss something or have to wait for an event to occur but this isn't enough to ruin the fun waiting for you in Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Laser League
May 11, 2018

In the end, Laser League's value really depends on how popular it ends up being. On release it didn't seem like an overwhelming number of people purchased or at least matchmaking is not as fast as it could be, making it a potential concern. From there, depending on how many adopt it, this could be a fighting game situation where there is a massive difference in skill between players. Despite the potential negatives, Laser League is certainly fun if you're into the metagame or just like the idea of outplaying others. While it's too soon to say where Laser League will fall, it's probably better to get in on the ground floor than spending the next couple of weeks playing catch up.

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3 / 5.0 - Gal*Gun 2
Apr 28, 2018

Where Gal*Gun 2 is amusing and an on the nose VR experience might make it more appealing, it's hard to find a reason to play besides the underline concept. This likely won't come as a surprise, the first game was like this too, it comes down to if your desire to play something like this. Because, if you don't care for the novelty, there is absolutely nothing of note here.

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If you love the Atelier series, want to play with some cute girls or simply enjoy anime/manga tropes, odds are this will be a winner. However, if you're hoping for a combat driven or deeper experience, elements of that are certainly here, it just requires a fair amount of time invested. If that doesn't sound bad, give it a go, otherwise you might want to consider sitting this one out.

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Apr 2, 2018

Regardless of the problems, Penny-Punching Princess is a good portable game. While players can sit and grind all day, levels are short and simple enough to make it the perfect grab and go title.

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Mar 26, 2018

The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2 comes down to what is more important to you. As much as I enjoyed the story, it won’t appeal to everyone and takes a fair amount of time to get going. That being said, if story drive titles are your thing and you enjoy Disgaea or things of the like, odds are this will be up your alley. If you’re looking for a new action RPG or hoping for a deeper version of the original, odds are you’ll walk away disappointed. Not because the gameplay is awful, it is just very simple and doesn’t offer much besides story.

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Mar 19, 2018

Attack on Titan 2 might add to the story but it doesn’t change enough to make it a compelling purchase. With it feeling largely like the previous games, it feels closer to DLC than a new expansion. This doesn’t mean there isn’t any reason to pick it up, just don’t expect it to be a massive change from the original. Combine this with very little story progression, performance issues and not a lot of content and it’s a sequel even fans can skip.

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Mar 12, 2018

In the end, The 25th Ward: The Silver Case is a weak game that will only appeal to Suda 51/fans of the original. Without this it's a slow moving, poorly designed and boring title that likely won't keep your interest. Combine this with a lack of voice acting and limited graphics and that is really the only appeal. Well, that and it's an easy platinum.

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4.5 / 5.0 - DJMAX RESPECT
Mar 9, 2018

Despite the shortcomings, DJMax Respect is a fantastic game at an amazing price. With over a hundred songs for $50~ and more coming in the future, it's an absolute must for anyone interested in the genre and/or games of the like. Sure, the difficulty can be overwhelming at times and it sucks certain things might take a long time to unlock but there is enough content elsewhere to keep you busy, with the additional stuff giving players something to work towards.

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9 / 10.0 - Frantics
Mar 6, 2018

Frantics might not be perfect but it captures what makes games like Mario Party great. Anyone can win, provided they have the right tactic or are just lucky and it's never too late to come back. It's a shame the motion controls aren't the best, with it making some games far more difficult than they really should've been but the ability for four people to play without having to buy multiple controllers more than makes up for it. So, if you want a party game anyone can play or just something that supports four players locally on the PlayStation 4, Frantics is a solid choice. However, if controls are an issue or your phone doesn't support it, you might want to sit it out.

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8 / 10.0 - Moss
Mar 1, 2018

Moss is easily one of the better PlayStation VR titles and a must for anyone who loves cute animals, puzzle games or just want to see how PlayStation VR can enhance traditional experiences. That being said, keep in mind that it isn’t the longest adventure and offers little to no replay value. If these things aren’t a problem for you, then you can’t go wrong with Moss

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Feb 13, 2018

Where previous games allowed players to feel powerful by defeating an absurd number of dumb enemies, Dynasty Warriors 9 cuts out the middle man, leaving a shallow game feeling completely hollow.

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Feb 9, 2018

Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] might not be the best, but it's certainly not the worst either.

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Feb 1, 2018

Despite the negativity, Dissidia Final Fantasy NT is a beautiful game. Characters look great, the animations are fantastic and the worlds are stunning to look at. The same holds true for music, something Final Fantasy is known for, making every battle feel all the more epic. It's a shame the gameplay is so simple with few modes to play with, but if you're a massive fan of the franchise or just want a fun party fighter to play, it's a solid choice. Other than that, it's a good game, just not a great one.

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Jan 30, 2018

One thing that makes Monster Hunter: World so hard to review is there is simply so much here to see and explore. With a variety of different weapons, plenty of monsters, some free upcoming content and countless secrets, there is little to dislike. Sure, the online system could be a bit better and the story sucks, but it is easily forgotten once you get a team together to hunt. So, if you're looking for a deep, thoughtful and beautiful game, you can't go wrong with Monster Hunter: World. However, if you're not interested in learning the mechanics or get frustrated very easily, this one isn't for you.

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In the end, Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker's Memory feels a lot like the previous title.

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With almost everything costing 10 times what it is worth, weak base content and an impossibly long grind for what limited content there is, it's practically impossible to see a bright side to Raiders of the Broken Planet. Well, besides the fact practically no one is falling for it.

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Jan 10, 2018

For better or worse, Curse of Osiris is more of the same.

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If you want a good story and don't mind if it's a tad on the predictable side, you'll enjoy Life is Strange: Before the Storm. However, if you want some twists and turns, with crazy reveals, this won't make you happy.

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