Chris Dunlap
X-Out Resurfaced is a very simple, no frills shooter that provides a moderate to steep challenge for even the toughest players. Its presentation and gameplay doesn't try to compete with the bigger releases and it really doesn't have to. It stands on its own as a fun action shooter game that many will find charming.
ININ has has done it again with Taito Milestones 3. The emulation is top notch and the selection of games is one of the best so far.
This second IREM collection is solid, with three great games that are fun and challenging. Players old and new will definitely find something to like here, exactly like the previous volume. I hope these collections continue as IREM has a wide library of great games that will no doubt make for some more great collections. Great games, great challenge and a good price, IREM Collection Volume 2 is highly recommended.
In its current form, Max Mustard feels more like a tech demo, or a largely unfinished game. Most of the game was entertaining, but too many technical issues and in-game inconsistencies really destroy what could be an awesome game. I sincerely hope that Toast Interactive sends out some updates and bug fixes so I can give this one another go.
Vertigo Games has now taken everything they have learned with the first game and the sequel and have remade the original game, and it pleases me to say that they did a wonderful job.
Shadow of the Ninja – Reborn is a perfect example of taking a classic title, expanding on it just enough to not ruin the legacy, and making a fantastic game.
CYGNI: All Guns Blazing is a very surprising release. These kind of games usually aren’t done well enough to garner attention from today’s gamers, but Konami really hit it out of the park with this one.
Since this is a bare bones port with nothing of note added, I have a hard time recommending downloading this one. This game does has it’s fans, but it’s not going to grab too many new fans. If your curious, try it out, but don’t expect to be presented with a hidden gem from the past.
Parasol Stars is a fantastic, single screen game that challenges while it charms. Easy to learn but hard to put down, this game is what classic gaming is all about.
Rainbow Cotton is a very good HD re-release of a classic game that not many people got a chance to play.
I can recommend this one for anyone looking for a unique challenge that will keep you busy for a long while, and for those that like reimagining of classic games. Another solid release for Atari!
I did not enjoy my time with qomp2. I found it to be boring, frustrating and not very fun overall.
IREM is off to a great start with this five volume collection. If they continue in this fashion, we might be in for some really great classic games for the modern consoles. While the games included aren't ground breaking or super flashy, they will bring the fun factor as well as that classic shooter frustration that makes you want to keep trying no matter how many times you die. Definitely a good collection.
I did quite enjoy my time with Berzerk: Recharged. it may be modernized and made a bit easier with its powerup system, but it does retain that classic arcade feel by having no goal in mind, other than getting a higher score from the last game you played.
For those of you who missed it’s original release on the Apple Arcade, and I’m almost sure that was just about everyone, you owe it to yourself to download this release on your favorite console and enjoy.
Haunted House is fun for a while, but it begins to lose it’s charm the further you get into it. The game is okay for a few runs, but you may begin to lose interest quickly and want to stop. It’s a decent remake for sure, though very average overall and just not as compelling or satisfying as other roguelites or even other Atari remakes available.
There isn’t much to come back to once you’ve beaten the game, so replay value is basically non existent here. Overall, Pixel Ripped 1995 is a fun and very unique experience that everyone should try. Definitely a good addition to the ever growing PlayStation VR2 Library!
Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs is simple, fun and addicting, and you'll be hard pressed to stop playing and rejoin the real world. Highly recommended.
ININ has done a fine job bringing these classics together. Even if the complete package offers nothing new outside of a game selection screen, these are all still pretty fun games.
Quantum: Recharged is just an OK addition to the series and while not based on a very well known property, it's an interesting game once you get the hang of it. This new release is not terrible by any means, but if you happen to pass this one by, you aren't really missing much.