Spelunky 2

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Critic Reviews for Spelunky 2
Spelunky 2 is a masterpiece of procedurally generated platforming that stays true to the legendarily challenging original while also holding surprises around every corner.
As a result, Spelunky 2 isn't attempting to convert any who weren't fans of the first game. The game has a very specific approach and will not be for everyone, but those who adored the first game are guaranteed to feel the same about its sequel. At a time when gamers are less inclined to take risks with their purchases, Spelunky 2 offers the comfort of the familiar.
Spelunky 2 doesn't advance the original's formula, but there's more stuff to sink your teeth into.
No matter how many times I yelled in frustration, I couldn't wait to jump right back into the ever-shifting caves
Spelunky 2 is a successful evolution of what made the original Spelunky work.
Mossmouth did the impossible with Spelunky 2 in managing to create a sequel to an incredible game that did not disenfranchise existing fans or turn off newbies.
Spelunky 2 is a masterclass in great roguelite game design, expertly combining crushing difficulty with a steady drip of new secrets and lessons to keep you coming back for more. Some may be put off by the steep challenge-this is certainly a game you have to work for a bit-but putting in the effort is sure to reward you with plenty of thrilling memories. We'd give this game a high recommendation to any fans of roguelites or challenging platformers, and even if that doesn't describe you, this is still certainly worth a look.