Deadfall Adventures

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Critic Reviews for Deadfall Adventures
Don't let the attractively designed levels fool you: Deadfall Adventures' weak puzzles and limp gunplay are no fun.
Deadfall Adventures is a boring, glitchy, and repetitive shooter with too few moments of clarity.
Deadfall Adventures isn't actually a terrible game. The dialogue is dumb, AI companions have an unnerving tendency to teleport behind you, it's far glitchier than it should be, but somehow it's also not unlikeable.
In the end, Deadfall Adventures is a fun romp in a B-movie sort of way. I like to compare it to a poor-man's Indiana Jones movie that you might see late at night on cable. Much like the "Temple of Doom", Deadfall Adventures is enjoyable but in the end has a few too many issues. Do not get me wrong it is a good game, just don't go in expecting a high production value or something that will blow your socks off.
While Deadfall Adventures shares its inspiration with Indiana Jones, it lacks everything that made the movie series special. Instead, it features bland puzzles, basic combat mechanics and many frustrating gameplay issues.
Honestly though, nothing about this game was bad. For fans of camp you'll find something to enjoy here as you would a B-Movie. However there's nothing here I can recommend that I wouldn't be able to recommend something better instead.
A great-looking game let down by poor storytelling, repetitive gameplay and cheap, frustrating puzzles and traps.
The locations and themes in Deadfall Adventures are its stars, but neither the combat nor the puzzles really stand out and the pulp tone goes missing whenever most of the cast speak. A forgettable, Boy's Own jaunt through well-thumbed pages of adventure fiction.