DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part Two Reviews
When said and done, even with more questions than answers left to be asked, DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods – Part 2 does what it set out to do. It gives closure to our current story, allowing for the Doom Slayer’s story, for the time being, to conclude, opening room for the future of the franchise as there is seemingly a lot to be done with the entirety of the doom universe itself.
The Ancient Gods is an enigmatic sequel that closes out a compelling chapter in DOOM’s growing legacy. All facets and features literally scream – No I mean they scream – bloody murder. A brutally bodacious escapade, that’s bound to prove itself worthy of the shooter’s bequest.
The Ancient Gods part 2 is the epic conclusion of the character that has accompanied us for all these years and does so in an incredible way, showing all his potential in confrontations that will make us sweat a lot. The novelties included in this new installment are very satisfactory and bring a touch of freshness to an expansion that ran the risk of being more of the same. Totally recommended as a whole.
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DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part 2 is a brilliantly designed expansion providing some of the most fun and fast-paced shooting action I’ve ever seen. Each of the DLC’s main missions provide plenty of variety and challenging encounters to really dig into.
DOOM Eternal The Ancient Gods Part 2 is tight, focused, and a gripping end to the rebirth of the franchise that is an easy recommendation to any fan of the genre. Breathtaking graphics, great music, and an over-the-top story combine with the best gunplay in the business to give us a rousing send-off for the series for the time being.