Rabisco+ Reviews

Rabisco+ is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
5.8 / 10.0
May 14, 2021

Especially when games are budget priced it can be unfair to be too tough on them for looking more simplistic but with what I would call a "crayon-drawn" look perhaps Rabisco may look a bit too simple for its own good...

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Nov 4, 2021

Friends of mine will know I have limited patience when it comes to puzzle games. Purely because the second I start playing, I lose every brain cell. It becomes impossible to remember how to complete games and even the simplest of challenges. Something about the style initiates a wall to come up in my brain. Because of this, I am very picky in choosing which puzzle/arcade types I play. One common feature in all puzzle games I have played, are those that seem to have been published by our friend Ratalaika Games.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jun 12, 2021

Rabisco+ is cute and soundly pleasing, but its gameplay is too simple and uncreative in executing the various mechanics it implements. It's a title that could do much better learning from games like The Witness that, from very simple mechanics, greatly refines and progressively improves one gameplay concept until another is implemented.

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May 29, 2021

Rabisco+ is quite a cute little puzzle game, with two to three hours of gameplay. Its level of difficulty would really be down to how good your timing is as most of the obstacles are timed. For the few pounds, it costs in the eShop it would pass a few hours. Though there are better puzzle games out there for the same price!

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