Life is Strange Remastered Collection

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Life is Strange Remastered Collection Media
Life is Strange Remastered Collection – Official Trailer – E3 2021 [ESRB]
Life is Strange Remastered Collection - Announce Trailer [ESRB]
Critic Reviews for Life is Strange Remastered Collection
At the end of the day, it's tough to recommend Life is Strange: The Arcadia Bay Collection as it is near launch.
Life is Strange: Arcadia Bay Collection is an odd release in that it doesn't really feel like the games have been remastered at all. Certain aspects of the presentation have been improved, such as the lip-syncing and overall colour tone, but at the same time you've got some pretty unforgivable presentation drawbacks like texture and asset pop-in, muddy environmental visuals, and absurdly long load times. Considering how long it's taken for this collection to arrive on Switch, we honestly expected better. Nevertheless, these games are worth experiencing for the narrative alone, so if you've never played either and you have no other way to access them, this still comes with a light recommendation.
Life is Strange Arcadia Bay Collection features two great games, but the visuals leave a little to be desired. The story of Max and Chloe still hits you hard, but overall, it's let down by various texture and animation issues.
At the end of the day, the value of Life Is Strange: Arcadia Bay Collection comes down to whether the Nintendo Switch release is a worthy and required port. If players haven't had the chance to experience Life Is Strange and the Switch is their platform of choice, then it is an obvious choice to go make - particularly as it's then a jumping off point to also enjoy the brilliance of Life Is Strange 2 and True Colors. Meanwhile, long-time fans may have a bit of hesitancy, as it's not an entirely necessary upgrade on the original games, but the portability of the Switch version could make it a useful way to play a much-loved game once again.
Life is Strange: Arcadia Bay Collection arrives on Switch with all the necessary optimizations. A clever operation to propose two excellent titles also to Nintendo users, while not lacking some technical flaw, with a camera that does not always work and very long uploads. For the rest, the adventures of Chloe and Max are still in good hands and shine despite the years.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Life is Strange Remastered Collection is only good because Life is Strange is so good. The upgrades are nice, but they aren’t evenly applied and sometimes make the game look worse. It also has an inexcusable number of bugs. Life is Strange and Before the Storm are great games, but this collection is lacking. I recommend just picking up the original versions. You can probably find them cheaper than this collection, and they offer just as good an experience. They offer a better experience in some ways.
Life is Strange Arcadia Bay Collection is a faithful remaster with its new visual enhancements greatly improving the overall experience. The Nintendo Switch version is a great way to experience these classic titles for the first time, especially with all the episodes in one place.