Mario Strikers: Battle League Reviews
If Mario Strikers: Battle League is going to thrive, it'll be in the competitive scene and with friends gathered around laughing and having a good time, and sometimes that's all you need.
Solid fun gameplay, outstanding performance, and those timeless Nintendo visuals make Mario Strikers: Battle League Football yet another fun Nintendo Switch exclusive title that can convert the masses to pick up and play sports. Even the ones like myself that detest the source game it comes from!
Mario Strikers Battle League Football not only succeeds in bringing Nintendo's famous football series back into vogue with a chapter that is solid in almost every aspect, but above all succeeds in distancing itself from the experience offered by Camelot's Mario Tennis and Mario Golf dilogies.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Mario Strikers Battle League isn't a bad game, but a game that lacks any sort of drive or ambition to stand out from the pack of other Mario Sport titles. The roster is minuscule, the arenas do nothing, the controls are needlessly complicated and it was difficult to stay focused on the ball and your players.
While it left me satisfied as far as gameplay goes, Mario Strikers Battle League misses its goal when it comes to the single player and online aspects of it. Matches can be fun and intense and the gameplay can give a surprising depth to it, but unfortunately gets tarnished in terms of its production and content. If Nintendo chooses to support it through content updates then it has all the potential to show its worth.
Review in Greek | Read full review
Although Mario Strikers Battle League Football does come with some flaws, in the end it's a surprisingly fun multiplayer sports title. Gameplay is easy to learn, but hard to master with some nice deeper mechanics. Content wise the game falls short with only a few single player options to play through. The multiplayer aspect, on the other hand, works like a charm and delivers some classic chaotic Nintendo multiplayer fun. Mario Strikers succeeds in bringing that nostalgic fun to the Nintendo Switch.
Review in Dutch | Read full review
Either way, this is a wonderful addition to the Switch catalogue and well worth the £50 fee. It’ll last you all summer and beyond.
Mario Strikers: Battle League is full of style but little substance. The core gameplay is exciting and challenging but the content itself leaves more to be desired.
Mario Strikers - Battle League Football has entertaining core gameplay with less chaos than its predecessors, focusing more on skill than sheer luck. Sadly it severely lacks in content. Especially the single player has too few unlocks and customization options to keep players busy in the long run. The presentation is solid but after a while noticeably lacks in variety. Nevertheless, we can recommend the game for intense offline multiplayer sessions for up top eight (4on4) players at once.
Review in German | Read full review
While the core gameplay is solid and the game looks awesome, everything else surrounding it seems to need more work. Whether Nintendo and Next Level Games will do so remains a burning question, and it would be a waste to see the potential of Strikers Club be, well, wasted. For now, even with the excellence shown on the field and that lovable Nintendo charm, it is hard to see Mario Strikers: Battle League as anything more than a game that just doesn’t have legs. In this case, the game was lost even before a ball was kicked, and that is a massive disappointment to eager fans around the world.