Glam's Incredible Run: Escape from Dukha

Glam's Incredible Run: Escape from Dukha Media
Critic Reviews for Glam's Incredible Run: Escape from Dukha
Glam’s is a game that is hard to recommend. Players and fans of twitch platformers can most certainly find some challenge here but in the precise jumping and puzzle solving of each level. The problem is, I feel like because of the control scheme and the way it feels, it makes it even more difficult to get into. Still, people looking for that challenge and having patience can find something here. Anyone who gets frustrated easily or does not like the sound of a trial-and-error style game should avoid this one.
As many as the years go by, it's clear that platform games are never going to die. And if not, let them tell it to titles like Glam's Incredible Run: Escape from Dukha, a proposal of the most varied that is part of a legendary genre and that releases the mane to offer us a challenging experience, a real barbarity. An experience of many colors that really puts us to the test, and with which we have play and deaths for a while.
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Run, climb, jump, swing, and die, die, die. These are the things that you will be doing a lot of when playing Glam’s Incredible Run.
Challenging platforming is most definitely a thing, with titles like Celeste and Super Meat Boy leading the way in defining how to do "brutally tough but generally fair" with terrific core mechanics and smart level design...