Souldiers Reviews

Souldiers is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
May 30, 2022

Souldiers uses established concepts and a retro atmosphere to create an enjoyable and challenging adventure. Its greatest highlight is the balance between platforming, exploration, puzzles and combat, which are spread across a vast world. There's a lot of content to explore and three very distinct classes. Besides that, the atmosphere captivates with the gorgeous pixel art visuals and the stunning art direction. However, the game suffers from some problems that hinder the experience. The main ideas and mechanics lack identity, the pacing is erratic and punctuated by tiresome and huge dungeons, the world presents unfair and irritating dangers, and the difficulty is unbalanced. In the end, Souldiers is competent. Despite its flaws, there is a good game here, it just takes a lot of patience and a little insistence to enjoy it.

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