Kukoos: Lost Pets Reviews

Kukoos: Lost Pets is ranked in the 34th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3.5 / 5.0
Dec 6, 2022

Kukoos: Lost Pets is the sort of game I would have jumped on back when the genre was in decline. It might not have the staying power of the icons in its genre, but it has some fun ideas. Fans of 3D platformers should consider it, although its short length and rougher aspects might turn some players away.

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6 / 10.0
Dec 6, 2022

Kukoos: Lost Pets is a mixed experience. It's a pleasant, fun and dynamic game when its imprecise movement and bugs aren't annoying [the players]. Nothing makes it unplayable but the occurrences hinder the enjoyment of what the game has to offer and may demand patience. It's a shame because Petit Fabrik's title is a well-made game that doesn't reinvent the formula but justifies its existence as a 3D platformer that can be enjoyed alone or with others, especially children.

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2 / 10
Dec 6, 2022

With terrible, nigh-unplayable gameplay, a story that could generously be called "so bad it's good", and uninspired art direction, Kukoos: Lost Pets is an ugly slog of a game, fit for "Worst of the Year" accolades. These pets should be put to sleep.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 6, 2022

Kukoos: Lost Pets is a fantastic 3D platformer that uses its environmental designs. Vibrant in style and fantastic in gameplay, Kukoos: Lost Pets is a joy I didn’t expect from 2022, and I wish I had played it while in Early Access.

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Dec 6, 2022

One of my criteria for a good game is the desire to replay it, and the need for more – and Kukoos: Lost Pets is a really good game. The four worlds are so different and creative, and the creature’s abilities are refreshingly varied. It was an absolute delight to play and watch. I’m looking forward to replaying the levels and finding all those secret spots.

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