Lootbox Lyfe+

Lootbox Lyfe+ Trailers
Critic Reviews for Lootbox Lyfe+
Lootbox Lyfe+ is a good 2D adventure game, but it still feels pretty formulaic for the genre. The game doesn’t do anything wrong, the controls are solid, the accessibility options are welcome, and I admired the developers’ focus on platforming. It feels like it needs a bit more risk-taking to set it apart from the crowd. But hey, if you are looking for a solid coffee game, it’s not a bad way to spend a gaming weekend or even a long commute on a train.
Hidden beneath the veneer of some pretty outdated visuals, Lootbox Lyfe+ is a solid little Metroidvania that offers some moments of challenge. Progressing from a stationary orb into a double-jumping, ground pounding, speed dashing platform whizz is good fun, and there’s enough unique areas to give a nice sense of exploration too. The more random elements of the game might leave some scratching their heads, but if you’re willing to put your tongue firmly in cheek and just enjoy the platforming, there’s a few hours of enjoyment to be had here.
Mixing together Metroidvania sensibilities with some challenging platforming makes for a refreshing budget package