Star Fox Zero Reviews

Star Fox Zero is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
Apr 20, 2016

The motion controls are decent and there are some great levels, but Star Fox Zero lacks replayability - a problem given that a dedicated player can probably knock it out in less than a day. Still, the level design has merit, and the second half of the game in particular is a reminder of how great Star Fox can be. Star Fox Zero falls short in a lot of ways; but for better or worse, it's still the best game the series has seen in years.

48 / 100
Jun 6, 2016

Star Fox Zero is not a good game. Ugh, I actually said it, a single tear rolled down my cheek as my fingers slowly pecked out that sobering sentence. Isn’t acceptance one of the first steps to recovery?

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8 / 10
Apr 30, 2016

Standing back and looking at the wider picture, Star Fox Zero succeeds far more than it falters. There are some terrific set pieces, the new Cockpit View lends more precision in taking down enemies for those chasing high scores, and the Star Wolf team are at last given chance to pose a menacing threat. The controls will be remembered as being divisive, but, for those that persevere, will soon marvel in this space shooter's spectacle.

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Apr 26, 2016

Star Fox Zero really could’ve been the best Star Fox in the series if Nintendo didn’t try to be so cute with it for the sake of innovation, and it’s thanks to these decisions that Nintendo will probably be saying goodbye to a lot of Star Fox fans.

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7.7 / 10.0
Apr 19, 2016

Star Fox Zero ist leider eher ein kurzweiliger Spaß geworden, der sich großteils nur an Hardcore Fans der Serie richtet und bis auf wenige neue Schauplätze/Fahrzeuge und eine gewöhnungsbedürftige Steuerung zu wenig neues bringt. Oldschool Fans der Serie sollten aber trotzdem genügend Spielspaß bekommen, da das Gameplay an sich wirklich solide geworden ist und vor allem die freischaltbaren Modes zusätzlichen Spielspaß bringen.

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6.5 / 10.0
May 1, 2016

While Star Fox Zero is brimming with nostalgia and has a lot of redeeming qualities, tons of forced in content and motion controls spoil the game.

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