Project Wingman: Frontline 59

Project Wingman: Frontline 59 Media
Critic Reviews for Project Wingman: Frontline 59
Project Wingman: Frontier 59 will certainly slake your thirst for something Ace Combat flavoured, that much is for sure. Developer Sector D2 has absolutely nailed the fundamentals of that formula and has crafted an engaging dogfighting effort as a result. Though it lacks the sheen of its more famous counterpart, Project Wingman: Frontier 59 nonetheless arguably offers more over the longer term, thanks to its neat Conquest mode and limited, though still impressive, implementation of Sony's PlayStation VR2 technology.
Project Wingman: Frontline 59 is a mixed bag. On the one hand, it is an arcade fighter pilot game in VR, something we haven’t seen much of lately. But the conversion is not complete, and only a small portion of the game is even playable in VR. This is especially baffling as the original release on Steam was completely in VR. Throw in a subpar graphical experience, and the whole package is rather uninspiring. There is a decent-length main campaign in addition to the new bonus VR missions, though, so if you’re okay with soaring in the skies in flat-screen gaming, then it is still a good amount of content for the price.
If you're looking for a VR successor to Ace Combat, Project Wingman: Frontline 59 might disappoint due to its short VR duration. However, it's a convincing and fun arcade flight-sim with good longevity. Some missions are too long, and the AI is less effective, but it's a strong alternative to Bandai Namco's series.
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