Ripout Reviews

Ripout is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Oct 25, 2023

Overall, Ripout is a decent experience for its price, but only if you're on board with everything it's trying to accomplish.

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73 / 100
Nov 20, 2023

RIPOUT does a lot of things quite well. The creepy horror atmosphere, the smooth FPS gameplay, Co-Op design, and PetGun all make for a game worth playing. However, the repetitive mission structure and maps make it a game worth playing only for short periods of time. The Co-Op focus allows for a ton of fun with friends, but the aforementioned structure halts the fun after an hour or so. For their first game, Pet Project Games, in what is clearly THEIR pet project, have a lot to be proud of. All things considered, if you are looking for an affordable horror FPS akin to Deep Rock Galactic, you could do much worse than RIPOUT.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 28, 2024

RIPOUT offers a solid FPS experience with a unique setting and interesting mechanics. Some rough edges hold it back from being excellent by with time and polish RIPOUTcould be an excellent title.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jun 7, 2024

RIPOUT has a great concept and strong visuals, but fails in being an engaging experience just a few short hours in. Its repetition undermines the cleverness of its systems, crafting, and arsenal as you simply feel like you are repeating the same mission ad nauseam. The foundation here is solid, but more hand-crafted set-pieces could truly elevate this to be something worth exploring.

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8 / 10.0
May 28, 2024

RIPOUT is a horror extraction shooter based enjoyed with friends. With a terrifying setting, a great aesthetic, deeply replayable levels, and living guns, RIPOUT is something you and your buddies will surely bond over… as you’re bonded into one giant flesh colossus.

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Nov 19, 2023

Ripout is a must-play for fans of the genre and those looking for something new and challenging.

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4.2 / 5.0
Oct 29, 2023

The atmosphere and care given to RIPOUT make it a really likable title. The gunplay is great, options are viable, and a linear progression rate with unique ways of playing through the story will give a lot of replay value too. Not to mention, the coop mode is worthy of checking, too.

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80 / 100
Oct 29, 2023

RIPOUT lures you in with a great story and concept right from the start, but the execution needs some work. The Pet Gun is a brilliant change to the typical action genre, and it adds a lot more quality; with a little more polish and extra detail, it has the potential to become a game that can go quite far. If you can look past some of the flaws, there’s definitely a mountain of fun to be had and some chaos to cause.

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