Colored Effects Reviews

Colored Effects is ranked in the -1th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10.0
Nov 23, 2023

The initial fun may soon give way to want; want of less linear design, more balanced difficulty, and (ironically enough) more color, to name just a few things. Colored Effects is fair enough for its budget price. But I'm curious what the developer can do with future releases that'll hopefully be more fun and polished.

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7.1 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2023

An odd mix of logical challenges and a need for adept reflexes in spots that may struggle to find its ideal audience

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Nov 16, 2023

I really liked Colored Effects. There was something about this simple puzzler that really resonated with me. Maybe it was the rewarding puzzle design that felt challenging but not to the point of stress. Even when I did hit a puzzle wall, I happily walked away to try again later. For a very low price of entry, you can enjoy one of the best puzzle platformers I have played on Nintendo Switch this year. Colour me surprised.

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