Train Valley 2: Community Edition

Train Valley 2: Community Edition Media
Train Valley 2 Community Edition Official Trailer | Coming Nov.23 to Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One
Critic Reviews for Train Valley 2: Community Edition
Train Valley 2 not only maintains the strengths of its predecessor, but also brings small changes and new features that make the title even more challenging. For fans of puzzle or simulation, it's a guarantee of many hours of good gameplay.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
As a lover of trains and real-time strategy, Train Valley 2 - Community Edition really scratched an itch and it's a superb sequel to boot.
This follow-up offers the same smart and polished management challenges as the first, but adds loads of new content and variations
Train Valley 2: Community Edition is great value for money if you’re looking for a challenging puzzler that won’t push you to the limits of frustration. Multiplayer isn’t a thing, but I could see this as a fun game to enjoy with younglings, especially if they love trains. For me, it was at its best when I just went at my own pace and completed the objectives. Levels are numerous and varied, so this will likely keep you busy for a very long time. Controls are fiddly to start with and don’t quite capture the simplicity of a PC. But once you get your head around it this a great one to enjoy after one of those long days. It’s a train job worth taking on board.