While some critics are feeling fatigued, Advanced Warfare takes some intelligent risks that breathe some fresh air into the Call of Duty franchise.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Review Summary
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Media
Critic Reviews for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
The campaign is predictable, dumb fun, and the multiplayer is some of Call of Duty's best—but still subject to every existing criticism of CoD.
Advanced Warfare is faster and more focused than any Call of Duty before it.
Advanced Warfare isn't the game to answer those questions. Much like the soldiers that populate its fiction, what strengths it has come from the technology bolted to the surface while what's inside looks more fragile and vulnerable than ever.
'Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare' doesn't change the franchise's identity, but its near future setting and tech help make the component parts exciting again.
Multiplayer feels wonderfully fresh, thanks to the added agility of Exo Suit boosting. Sadly, though, co-op is unimaginative, and the story fails to satisfy when compared to previous installments.
A traditional, well-executed string of bombastic set pieces in single-player give way to excellent and varied multiplayer modes that capitalize on the tried-and-true franchise gameplay while adding significant changes in the form of mobility and enhanced customization
Sledgehammer Games lays the groundwork for more futuristic Call of Duty games with a comprehensive multiplayer experience and a faulty but stimulating campaign.