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Mega Man Legacy Collection

Aug 24, 2015 - PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5

OpenCritic Rating


Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

9 / 10
Game Rant
4.5 / 5
4 / 5
Metro GameCentral
6 / 10
7 / 10
4.5 / 5
8.5 / 10
Game Revolution
4 / 5
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Mega Man Legacy Collection Trailer PEGI thumbnail

Mega Man Legacy Collection Trailer PEGI

Mega Man Legacy Collection Screenshot 1
Mega Man Legacy Collection Screenshot 2

Critic Reviews for Mega Man Legacy Collection

Mega Man Legacy Collection combines great emulation, remixes, and historic context into a superb compilation.

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Mega Man Legacy Collection is an easy buy for fans of Capcom's blue bomber, featuring a faithful recreation of the 6 mainline games and some truly clever challenges.

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Legacy Collection perfectly preserves six classic Mega Man games without any extensive modifications. What changes it does bring are entirely optional and only serve to enhance the experience.

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As retro compilations go this is very good, with pixel perfect emulation and some useful bonus features. But only existing fans will feel the games justify the effort.

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Mega Man Legacy Collection is a fascinating peek into the 8-bit roots of one of gaming's most beloved franchises', but it can be unforgiving for a modern audience.

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By far the best and most impressive Mega Man compilation ever assembled, what Legacy Collection sacrifices in reach it more than makes up for with refinement. It presents six games almost (though not quite) flawlessly, while providing enough display options to satisfy the obsessive and casual fan alike. Add to six beautifully preserved classics a massive database and dozens of addictive custom challenges and you have an excellent package that treats the classics with the respect they deserve — something that's traditionally been absent in the U.S. market. A must-have for any Mega Man fan.

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After booting the game up I was inspired to beat all six games again and work on the challenges, so the Mega Man Legacy Collection did its job.

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[I]f you're a fan of the blue Astro Boy-like bot, or would simply love to check out great old-school 8-bit era games that weren't made by Nintendo, look no further. At $14.99 this collection is a steal.

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Industry Coverage

Mega Man 11 coming on October 2nd

Mega Man 11 coming on October 2nd

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