Party Hard Reviews

Party Hard is ranked in the 28th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Apr 30, 2016

At the end of the day, there is a game here that's easy to like, but at times, it starts to show its warts. The game can be very difficult, and I'm not convinced it's because of good design. There were levels I failed dozens of times, and most of those failures seemed unavoidable, almost as if the game was fabricating evidence against me (pun intended).

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Oct 23, 2016

A few things really make up the main mechanics of the game. One, the environmental traps. You can go around and poison the punch, call in guests (a personal favorite), electrocute, explode... all in the hopes that you'll knock down the number of attendees a bit. The levels also sometimes introduce an item to the mix which makes for fun and diverse gameplay. Two, is the cops. If someone spots you do something shady, kill someone, around poisoned people or bodies, someone else will freak out and call the cops. They'll had already clocked your face, so the police will come kicking down the doors. They come in extremely fast, so you tend to position yourself for a short run. What this game does well is the timer in which the law actually does chase you before they give up. It feels fair.

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May 16, 2016

It's for fans of gore humor and the great personalities of the slasher genre, getting caught up in history and laughing is the main objective of Pinokl Games. It will not be a game that goes down in history but it is very likely to enter the lists of the 100 gore games to try before you stop playing video games.

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