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Critic Reviews for RymdResa
RymdResa best shows what life is like for an astronaut — it's relaxing, and pretty boring. If you're looking to cool off and avoid bombastic affairs, RymdResa is the perfect game to play. Other than that, well, if you're fan of astronomy, I guess you'll have plenty to take away from it. But ultimately, RymdResa is a gorgeous roguelike that has a significant amount of untapped potential that could lead to a much better game to play. For now, you'll have to make do with passively exploring space and not much else.
Some people are going to dig into this game, absorb its extremely passive gameplay and have a curiosity which leads them to discover these things that I have not. I'm sure of that. If ambiguity and self-directed discovery are aspects of games you appreciate when they exist, and can handle one where you'll spend most of your time not doing anything, you're the audience RymdResa is looking for.
RymdResa is an experience of the mind, a soothing adventure into the depths of the dark, lonesome vastness of space. This game is a thought provoking visual treat unlike any other we've played.
All told, RymdResa is not a game for everyone. It's pretty minimal in its design, difficult to get into, and a bit cumbersome to navigate.
All that aside however, RymdResa is still a fascinating exploration into a facet of gaming which largely remains untouched. Morgondag have created a soothing and contemplative experience which makes the most of its slow pacing, and while I thought I'd get bored easily while drifting aimlessly through space, I managed to sink hours at a time just watching the stars fly by as I slowly but steadily rebuilt the human race. With time and patches, this could be a must play, but as it is I can only cautiously recommend RymdResa as a game with fascinating ideas and inconsistent execution.
For everything that RymdResa is and isn't, it's a beautiful game.
A lovely trip through space in every way. This is why indie games matter.