Unravel Reviews

Unravel is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Feb 24, 2016

Unravel is a solid platformer with emotive story, vibrant world, gorgeous visuals and fantastic music.

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8.9 / 10.0
Feb 20, 2016

Unravel is one of the best 2D platformers that I've ever had the pleasure to play.

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Aug 9, 2016

Unravel is an original game, with an admirable visual and sound section, as well as a gameplay that perfectly mixes platforms and puzzles.

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Jun 4, 2017

Unravel may stumble on its way towards saying something meaningful, it never wavers on what it wants you to hear. That while the past is not a place to escape into, it is worth holding onto. Maybe only in bits and pieces, but held onto all the same.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 10, 2016

Unravel wowed us when it was first announced and its safe to save the loving man of yarn has brought a heartfelt story to the next gen. While its puzzles slowly lose and sense of challenge, the stunning environments more than make up for it.

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Aug 4, 2016

Unravel has great visuals but falls short on the gameplay side. Many unfair parts and the same riddles through the whole game degrade Unravel to a mediocre experience.

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3 / 5
Jun 27, 2016

Overall I found this to be a fun game to dip in and out of, but because of how challenging it quickly became, I found it wasn't a game that I could sit and play continuously for hours on end. A quicker pace may have helped Unravel to appeal more but potentially at the risk of losing its unique charm and character. Despite this, Unravel is a good game that with a few tweaks could see a much improved sequel come to fruition.

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Feb 28, 2016

Artistically and graphically it is sublime, and initially at least there are some neat moments to behold, but the rest of the title including, crucially, the gameplay, simply does not hold up to scrutiny.

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Feb 16, 2016

On the surface, Unravel appears to be a simple puzzle-platform game that offers a moderate challenge, but has little in the way of impediments to progression. Scratch a little deeper, however, and it becomes clear that communicating the sense of place and atmosphere, as well as telling what is a very touching story is really the goal here.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 13, 2016

Unravel liefert eine packende Geschichte in einer wunderbar verpackten optischen Präsentation, schafft es aber das gesamte Spiel über nicht wirklich den Spieler wirklich zu integrieren bzw. zu fordern. Die diversen Rätsel und Gegner lassen zwar große Herausforderung und spielerisches Geschick vermuten, sind aber immer wieder viel zu simpel gestrickt und wirken (wie der großteils des Spiels) nur wie eine schöne Kulisse die euch auf der Reise begleiten soll.

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