AIPD - Artificial Intelligence Police Department Reviews

AIPD - Artificial Intelligence Police Department is ranked in the 30th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3 / 5.0
Feb 8, 2016

It's easy to feel like you've seen and done everything AIPD has to offer after just a couple hours, and really, that's because you have.

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5.5 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2016

The good news is that AIPD supports up to four players locally, so if you have three other friends who are die-hard shmup fans, it's worth checking out. Otherwise you can steer clear and pick up the heap of other great shooters on Steam or PS4. Those platforms have no shortage of them.

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7 / 10.0
Jan 30, 2016

AIPD is a competent twin-stick shooter that lacks true depth. Local cooperative play is always appreciated, however, and the inclusion of such a rare feature is something that newly-minted developer Blazing Badger absolutely deserves commendation for. But with only one level layout, gameplay can become repetitive fairly quickly. You'll have seen everything the game has to offer in one session, easily. Mixing up guns with ship abilities helps to add some variety, but at the end of the day only twin-stick shooter fanatics will find AIPD truly worth their time and money.

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78 / 100
Jan 23, 2016

AIPD rocks a pretty decent soundtrack as the electronic, techno, wub-wub, untz untz untz is perfectly suited for the game.

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Jan 21, 2016

AIPD: Artificial Intelligence Police Department is a solid twin-stick shooter, which takes a lot of inspiration from Geometry Wars. However, while it's fun to play in short spurts and can be made quite challenging, there's little variety to be found and the game's replayability suffers as a result.

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6 / 10
Feb 4, 2016

Whilst AIPD generally meets all of the criteria for being a great twin-stick shooter… it unfathomably just fails to impress

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Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Feb 14, 2016

If you're looking for an excellent neon filled twin stick shooter with awesome techno beats, you're not going to find it here and you'd be better off playing Geometry Wars or Resogun on PS4 (if you want something more original), but if you've played them all and you want more, then get this on sale as it is still a fun title.

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Ken Barnes
Top Critic
6 / 10
Jan 26, 2016

AIPD is a solidly-made twin-stick shooter with some nice ideas. The problem is that it just isn't fleshed out enough. Outside of the shooting action itself, the presentation is lacking to the point of being non-existent and unless you become hooked relatively early on and become determined to beat it on the hardest difficulty or are absolutely dead-set on getting to get to the top of the leaderboards, it isn't going to be on your playlist for long. What's here is great, it's just that there isn't enough of it.

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8 / 10
Jun 22, 2016

AIPD is a prime example of a good twin-stick shooter. The controls are easy enough to learn that anyone can pick up the game and play it, and the difficulty curve is gradual enough that a beginning player won't feel discouraged.

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Aria DiMezzo
Top Critic
7 / 10
Feb 8, 2016

AIPD is in need of more substance, but what is on offer is a solid and fun experience, even if it does take a while to figure out what is going on (Hint: weapons overheat, which is strangely easy to overlook and may leave players wondering why their ship is bouncing all over the arena). It's pretty, has great music, and is fun to play; it's just that the amount of content on offer isn't staggering and can quickly lead to boredom. The boredom won't last, because players will feel an inexorable pull to play again, but small doses is the name of the game.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 25, 2016

AIPD – Artificial Intelligence Police Department brings little novelty to the genre, but it does cement itself as a solid contender in the sea of twin-stick shooters. Its limited customization options and repetitive game modes can occasionally get in the way, but its fantastic visuals and pulsating gameplay ensure that every wave of enemies is a hell of a lot of fun to blast to pieces

8 / 10.0
Jan 30, 2016

AIPD provides a solid twin-stick shooter experience, with plenty of variety thanks to the customization elements for your ship, the gameplay, or the mode. Fun in small doses in single-player and adequately chaotic when more people are involved, you can't go wrong with this indie title.

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