Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy+ Reviews

Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy+ is ranked in the 34th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3.9 / 5.0
Feb 10, 2015

Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy succeeds primarily because it sticks to the original Ace Combat format without trying to dress the series up as something it's not. It doesn't try to tell a huge story or take hints from other current franchises, but presents you with a simplistic and portable-friendly game that is fun to play and doesn't require a lot from the user.

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3.1 / 5.0
Mar 2, 2015

Bandai Namco's Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy+ on Nintendo 3DS flies high at times, but often lacks fire power in other areas.

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Feb 18, 2015

Altogether, these changes don't really add up to a hugely compelling argument for Assault Horizon Legacy+ over its original version. The core game, while not particularly exceptional, remains a solid, enjoyable experience that benefits from the simple fact that there really isn't anything else like it on 3DS.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 18, 2015

If you haven't played Assault Horizon Legacy and you have a New 3DS, this is the version to get. The additions aren't major, but this version is the definitive one, as long as you own a New 3DS. If you don't own Nintendo's shiny new handheld or played the 2012 edition, hold off because there isn't anything new for you here.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Mar 6, 2015

Although this version of the game changes very little and only really adds in a bit of Nintendo fan service, the quality of the original still shines though in Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy+. A true example of how the 3D effect can enhance games, with both a compelling narrative and gameplay structure, and plenty of reason to take back to the skies after finishing.

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Feb 19, 2015

It's a little hard to grade this one. On the one hand it's an genuinely entertaining dogfighting sim on the Nintendo 3DS - a genre so rare that its only competitor is its predecessor. On the other hand re-releasing the exact same game and selling gimmicky Amiibo miniatures unlocks as the major new addition is... well, it's not exactly adequate. This kind of feature would be a $5 DLC add-on elsewhere.

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Feb 17, 2015

Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy + is an exhilarating portable combat flight sim with some fun tweaks for New 3DS owners. Thrilling mechanics, plentiful missions and robust unlocks make it the Top Gun for genre fans who own the system.