Chronos (VR) Reviews

Chronos (VR) is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Apr 14, 2016

Chronos is a challenging, calculated adventure through intricate dungeons and relentless enemies that demand your best attention. Where it falls short as an RPG, Chronos redeems itself by offering beautiful environments and a sense of scale that probably can’t exist without virtual reality. It’d be worth playing regardless of the hardware it’s tied to, but the sense of presence the Oculus Rift allows you to have inside of Chronos’ varied dimensions is something I definitely recommend you feel for yourself.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2016

Fun exploration and satisfying battles make this a lengthy journey worth taking

Mat Paget
Top Critic
8 / 10
May 6, 2016

Chronos not only delivers highly enjoyable combat opportunities, it also sets the stage for third-person action-adventure games in virtual reality.

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Erik Kain
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
May 3, 2016

Suffice to say, I was utterly absorbed by this game. I didn’t even think I’d like it at first, but now it’s easily one of my very favorite Oculus Rift titles, and one of the best games I’ve played all year.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 2, 2016

I'd estimate the entire game took me around seven or eight hours maximum, though it could be finished quicker by skilled players. The deciding factor on whether or not Chronos is worth the $50 asking price is probably how much you love Zelda games or how hard up you are for something that feels like a fully-realized game for the Oculus Rift. Even with satisfying combat, an art style reminiscent of Guillermo del Toro, and virtual reality, I can't help but feel $50 is a smidgen too expensive. I guess that is the price you pay as an early adopter of VR.

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7.8 / 10.0
Jul 29, 2016

Chronos is an interesting adventure, that tries to adapt a classic format to the new Virtual Reality language. It has also some innovative features related to character progression, that shines above any other aspects of the game.

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8 / 10
May 4, 2016

Providing a lengthy, engaging and rewarding challenge, it’s safe to say that Chronos is one of the best VR experiences I’ve had

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8 / 10.0
Dec 21, 2016

Chronos deserves some serious credit here, as it is one of the most fully fleshed out experiences in virtual reality I have experienced so far. You can spend more than a dozen hours with this title and the magical world it creates for you, which is far more than most VR titles I have had the chance to play on the Oculus Rift so far. It also helps that the overall gaming experience is a good one worth spending that time o

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