Plague Inc: Evolved
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Critic Reviews for Plague Inc: Evolved
However, while I certainly enjoyed most of the scenarios I played, I found myself falling into that same groove, opting for a select cluster of traits and tactics to help ensure victory every time. Very soon, Plague Inc. became one of those games I couldn’t sit in front of attentively and immerse myself as the action unfolds. Although there’s certainly an active element at play, the long periods of waiting meant I’d need some other form of media playing in the background just to feel comfortable. It’s a minor downside to end the review on and one that can easily be swept aside for those who game and multitask anyway. Let’s not forget, that’s how a majority of mobile games are consumed so it should come as no surprise that the same is true of Plague Inc. Evolved.
For the simplicity of the options it allows through play, the depth of strategy within the game, coupled with the accurate, believable modelling of plague movements, and human behaviour within them, makes for one startlingly effective game.
Plague Inc: Evolved is a fast paced RTS that puts players in a morbid position, and allows them to become one of the scariest enemies that mankind knows of. It stumbles to execute its HUD in a way that allows the seamlessly moving between menus, and occasionally, defeat can sneak up in mere seconds. While it can be very unfair, it also gives the ability to micromanage well enough in order to still stand a fighting chance. This shouldn't be overlooked by RTS fans, or even fans of "idle" games. It holds together well enough, even if a few kinks hold it back from greatness.
While there could be more randomness or more strategy required, Plague Inc. Evolved produces an interesting and unique experience. There's a lot of content in the game and a good challenge.
Industry Coverage
Plague Inc.'s Next Free Update Lets You Cleanse The World, Not End It
Plague Inc., the simulation game that asks players to infect the globe with various diseases, is getting a Save The World mode which will reverse its entire win state.
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