Paper Mario: Color Splash Reviews

Paper Mario: Color Splash is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Oct 24, 2016

A colorful experience held back by a few paper cuts

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7.3 / 10.0
Oct 9, 2016

Overall, Paper Mario: Color Splash is quite a remarkable experience despite some ideas falling flat. The sluggish battle system hinders the gameplay as a whole, despite the amount of fun I had exploring each level. It may not be the sequel to the ever beloved Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, but I’m glad I played it.

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7.2 / 10.0
Oct 9, 2016

Paper Mario Color Splash was a solid game that's great for all ages packing not only a vibrant world, but a charming story as well.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2016

It improves on the shortcomings in Super Paper Mario and Paper Mario: Sticker Star and while very different to The Thousand-Year Door it exudes the same quality fans have been expecting form the franchise. A must have title on the Wii U towards the end of its lifespan.

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Oct 5, 2016

Make no mistake: Some of Color Splash is best-in-class material. But some of it is just awful. As much as I'd like to be able to give it an unqualified endorsement, I really can't. The excellent visuals, music, structure, and writing sit at odds with the toilsome combat system and the addition of far too many gimmicks and gotchas. The game is as irritating as it is inspiring — and while there's much to love here, be aware that finding it requires slogging through some truly rocky moments.

9 / 10
Oct 4, 2016

Paper Mario: Color Splash isn't the Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door successor that many still resolutely hold out for, but that day may never come. But, the adventure that unfolds is a remarkable one, and joyously memorable for all the right reasons.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2016

Paper Mario: Color Splash überzeugt mit einer amüsanten Geschichte und interessanten Aufgaben, spart aber leider etwas an den RPG-Elementen und übertreibt es ein wenig mit dem Einsatz von dem alt bekannten Pilzkopf der Mario Reihe. In Sachen Gameplay fordert der Titel einen leider auch meistens recht wenig, aber dank den gelungenen Animationen und den vielfältigen Kampf-Karten, macht der Titel trotzdem ordentlich Spaß.

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Feb 8, 2018

"Clever writing, pretty visual style, overly simplified combat system."

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Oct 7, 2016

Kunterbunt und quietschfidel: Color Splash sprüht nur so vor Kreativität, Spielwitz und Abwechslung und macht trotz abermals schwacher Kämpfe einfach nur Spaß.

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