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Through the Woods

1C Company, Antagonist
Oct 27, 2016 - PC

OpenCritic Rating


Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

3 / 5
8 / 10
PSX Extreme
7 / 10
6 / 10
7 / 10
Chalgyr's Game Room
5 / 10
Real Game Media
7 / 10
3 / 5
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Critic Reviews for Through the Woods

Through The Woods is a horror game that delivers some good scares, just not really in the way that was intended.

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Through the Woods is a sad, haunting tale that manages to scare without being cheap or easy, and one of this year's best horror games.

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Through the Woods might not be for everybody but if Norse mythology is something you are into, I would recommend you give it a try.

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Folk tales of Through the Woods will scare you, but short and linear gameplay with invisible walls are its weak spots.

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Through the Woods is a great couple hour adventure taking you through a desolate yet lovely island filled with sorrow.

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Through the Woods nails creepy atmosphere and has an interesting story that draws on Norse mythology - something that gives it a unique feeling. However, sometimes finicky mechanics and some other rough edges dampen the experience and hold the game back from ever reaching its potential. That is a shame because Through the Woods presents several missed opportunities where the development team executed on some things very well, while other less effective aspects of the presentation hurt the experience as a whole.

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An enjoyably unsettling horror tale, Through the Woods will leave it's mark on you long after it's conclusion. Featuring superb sound design and gorgeous visuals, the story of a mother looking for her son on an eerie island straight out of Norse folklore, is definitely a journey worth taking!

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Ich bin überrascht und enttäuscht zugleich: Through the Woods hat ein unglaublich spannendes Setting und eine durchaus ordentliche Rahmenhandlung, nutzt aber die gegebenen Bedingungen nur bedingt. Durch das sehr beschnittene Gameplay kommt in der ohnehin nur sehr kurzen Spielzeit immer mal wieder Langeweile auf und zieht die Handlung gefühlt unnötig in die Länge. Gerne hätte ich mir mehr Geheimnisse und mehr Details zu den Mythen rund um die Wälder gewünscht. Dafür stimmt die Atmosphäre und lässt mich endlich wieder das mulmige Gefühl in der Magengegend finden. Der an die Silent Hill-Reihe angelehnte Soundtrack lässt darüber hinaus sogar noch ein Stück Nostalgie mitschwingen, weshalb der Titel Fans von seichtem Psycho-Horror mit einer Brise Herzschmerz durchaus zu empfehlen ist.

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