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Critic Reviews for Poi
Poi is an affectionate love letter to the 3D platformer, filled with challenges and a good number of mini-games to liven up the adventure.
Poi is a competent love letter to the 3D Mario games we know and love that manages to give players a nice taste of nostalgia while still having its own charm. If you're hankering for a good 3D platformer, look no further. Your move, Yooka-Laylee, Hat in Time, and Super Mario Odyssey.
I really enjoyed Poi. It scratched that itch I didn't know I still had after Yooka Laylee and Snake Pass. It takes all the ideas from one of my favorite games of all-time and injects its own personality. It also helps that it plays like a dream. Fans of that era of platformers should definitely not sleep on this game. It is well worth the time and money.
If you’re wanting to head back to your childhood days, or long for a time when games were simpler and the summers seemed to last longer, then you won’t go far wrong with Poi.
I've told everyone who has asked me that Poi completely hooked me over the span of almost 13 hours. I earned all 100 medals, found all 50 golden gears, photographed every animal, found every costume, beat every mini-game, challenge AND more. It's incredibly addicting and rewarding to do all these things and the variety in the tasks kept it fresh.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with Poi and would easily recommend it to anyone looking for a classic 3D platforming fix with some well-implemented touches. I also acknowledge that this is a review being written shortly before the goal posts are likely to be forever adjusted by Mario Odyssey. That does make it a bit challenging to not be unfair, crippling Poi in advance for the unknown, while at the same time not being naive. In the end I’d say that regardless of the direction 3D platforming may be moving in, and the expectations that will come with it, Poi is a terrific taste of nostalgic beats that fans of the genre should enjoy.