Galactic Civilizations III: Crusade Reviews

Galactic Civilizations III: Crusade is ranked in the 95th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
May 16, 2017

Crusade does what all good expansions should do – it takes a base game and improves upon it in significant ways. There is a great amount of new content here that will give existing players a fresh experience when returning to Galactic Civilizations III. It's also competitively priced, which should entice newcomers as well. There are a few bugs and the rather large shadow of Stellaris that hang over this game, but all in all this is a really decent strategy title that should appeal to any fan of 4X gaming.

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90 / 100
May 15, 2017

Stardock has clearly gone to great lengths to allow players to make Galactic Civilizations III the game that they want.

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9.5 / 10.0
May 23, 2017

An example of what a good expansion can be.  Adds depth and breadth to the original.  Worth the 20 bucks, and more.

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9 / 10
Apr 27, 2017

An expansion that makes arguably the best game in the series, even if it was a tad conservative, better and more exciting. But the real coup is how it makes every turn feel important.

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90 / 100
May 6, 2017

There's an absolute wealth of fantastic new features in Crusade, every one of which turns the 4X genre on its head. Few companies would rip apart a shipped product and inject so many improvements, but the risk paid off big time. There are still a few balance issues to clean up, but Crusade manages to take something conservative and turn it into something revolutionary.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Mar 19, 2018

Hitting the right notes of the genre, Galactic Civilization III: Crusade is a fun play and there is always the feeling of wanting to have just one more turn. The main issue holding it back from being truly great is the mid/late game grind of simply far too much stuff happening that needs to be dealt with. It will be interesting to see if the next major update fixes these issues, but fans of the genre will more than likely still enjoy this classic.

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May 27, 2017

Crusade is everything that an expansion should be. It takes Galactic Civilizations III, sands off the rough edges, and adds new options for a deeper, more strategic experience. The new Citizens system offers more late-game options, espionage returns, planetary invasions are more tactical, and alongside the three new races, there's a new Civilization Builder letting you craft your own. If you're a GalCiv fan, it's an instant pick-up. If you're not, this might be the time to pick it up.