The Darkside Detective Reviews

The Darkside Detective is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Jul 23, 2017

The Darkside Detective is a short but worthy addition to your adventure game library, with endearing characters and references, wrapped up in an appealing art style and score.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 12, 2018

What it comes down to for a game like this is whether you’re a fan of the genre and what your expectations are for the length of the experience. I’d say that Darkside Detective isn’t the best adventure game on the system but it holds up well in the middle of the pack. The greater the breadth of your pop culture appreciation the more likely I’d say the jokes and references are to connect for you, and in general the game is riding on that understanding. It’s a worthwhile romp for genre fans who’d like a chance to enjoy 5 chapters with a reasonable length, have a few laughs, and not being quite as frustrated as with other games in the genre on the Switch.

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Feb 9, 2018

In conclusion, if you’re into point and click adventure games like Thimbleweed Park, TV shows like Twin Peaks or Stranger Things, film noir and slightly whacky humour, then there’s no doubt in my mind that The Darkside Detective is perfect for you. With its mini episodic style structure, it’s a good fit for the Switch and the excellent soundtrack from Ben Prunty make it an easy recommendation. Whether it’s as funny as other games it’s trying to emulate, I’m not so sure, and maybe the gameplay is a little too simple, but it’s still enjoyable and nothing falls flat.

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8.4 / 10.0
Feb 17, 2018

With a witty humor, great artistic direction, and award-worthy soundtrack, The Darkside Detective is a wonderful debut title from Spooky Doorway. While a short-lived experience due to its easy difficulty, it's a great start for this young studio, and I'm eager to see more.

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Aug 30, 2017

I’m dying for The Darkside Detective 2 already. Now it is worth noting that The Darkside Detective is short, taking about three hours to complete all six cases, but it works so well to its benefit. This is a game that brings the player in on the joke, and lets you laugh along with them – which you will. If you’re looking for an introduction to adventure games, then The Darkside Detective is definitely it. Even those experienced in the genre will find the cases intriguing and the puzzles enough of a mind tease to find enjoyment throughout.

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Jul 18, 2017

The Darkside Detective is a rather basic game. It is, however, well made, fun and worthy of a look for adventure game fans.

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9.5 / 10.0
Aug 28, 2017

Point and Click Adventures live or die by the writing and Darkside is a masterclass. A clever and lovingly-made homage to the genre.

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