Mad Carnage Reviews

Mad Carnage is ranked in the 4th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
5 / 10
Feb 7, 2018

Mad Carnage has a few things going for it in the form of its movement mechanics and the comic strip-led story sections, but they're packaged together with an experience that doesn't do them justice. Everything else is far too basic, and thus it fails at building a cohesive experience that we could recommend.

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4 / 10
Mar 12, 2018

Mad Carnage is a tactical action game in a cartoonish visual style which can be entertaining for a while but quickly starts feeling repetitive as it is way too similar to other proposals in the same genre. Its gameplay mechanics feel too simplistic and there's an overall lack of variety that ends up harming what could have been a more enjoyable and refined experience.

Review in Portuguese |

Mar 26, 2018

Mad Carnage is a fun strategy release on Nintendo Switch, but it's definitely not for everyone.

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Jul 16, 2018

Mad Carnage is a fun and challenging turn-based strategy game with a different way of doing things.

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5.2 / 10.0
Feb 5, 2018

Mad Carnage's premise is incredibly unique and has a lot of promise.

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5 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2018

Two pretty standard tactical considerations in strategy games, that I suppose don’t jibe with a game where you’re driving vehicles, are angle of attack and use of cover...

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Feb 3, 2018

Overall, for the price, I think it’s not a bad game to take a punt on if you’re into turn-based strategy games like I am or are looking to spend a few hours with some light car combat. Sadly it’s nowhere near as compelling as say Advance Wars or Final Fantasy Tactics, but for £4.49 I’m struggling to find too much of a fault. The gameplay is okay and it does try its best to be a fully fledged title although it obviously lacks in a certain polish in quality that a bigger budget would allow. It tries presentation-wise with storyboards which is nice, but overall visuals are slightly below par. It's just average at best.

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