

Digital Kingdom
May 17, 2018 - Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Life
5 / 10
7.5 / 10
Nintendo Insider
5 / 10
Nindie Spotlight
7.5 / 10
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Invisiballs Media

Critic Reviews for Invisiballs

With multiple updates planned for the near future this issue could soon start to be addressed so, unless you're entirely sold on the concept alone, we'd recommend holding off until these new features have landed.

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A two or three-player match can be done but it is far more of a cat and mouse game followed by quick bursts of attacks until someone gets a kill. Only when you have a full roster do you have enough going on that you begin to see a wider variety of strategies in play and the game hitting its stride. A great option if you regularly have some friends or family around to play with though.

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Invisiballs is an interesting competitive local multiplayer game. The action is intense and the competition can get really heated. It is visually interesting, and the controls are very smart and tight. There is a surprising amount of depth in the gameplay, considering how basic the game looks on its face. It isn't without its issues though, with a poor soundtrack and game breaking cheesing being possible in 2 player mode. Overall, Invisiballs is a fun game if you have a bunch of friends to play with.

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Invisiballs is an interesting and unique idea unfortunately held back by a general lack of depth, variety and content. While there’s certainly nothing quite like this on Nintendo Switch at the moment, Invisiballs feels like too basic a package to keep you hooked for much longer than a few sessions. Perhaps future updates will add some interesting new features.

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Overall I was surprised how positively my family reacted to Invisiballs. They’ve become pretty jaded with mutliplayer action games so when their initial skepticism melted away quickly to be replaced by whoops and yelling about who got who it was a sure sign the game was onto something. That said there’s also no getting around the limitation of really needing 4 people to be an optimum experience. A 2 or 3-player match can be done but it is far more of a cat and mouse game followed by quick bursts of attacks until someone gets a kill. Only when you have a full roster do you have enough going on that you begin to see a wider variety of strategies in play and the game hitting its stride. A great option if you regularly have some friends or family around to play with though.

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