Fallout 76 Reviews

Fallout 76 is ranked in the 8th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4 / 5.0
Nov 24, 2018

Overall, Fallout 76 has confused. It’s a good game, but it’s riddled with issues.

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65 / 100
Nov 22, 2018

Fallout 76 is one of the games which makes us uncertain. I can't call it a complete trash, but can't call it a good game either. But somehow, I believe in it. If Bethesda keeps working hard on the game, in a year, it will become a game which deserves to be played.

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7.3 / 10.0
Nov 20, 2018

Although Fallout 76 looks like Fallout 4 right from the start, there are some technical and play-related drawbacks. The V.A.T.S., which acts as the showpiece of the series, comes too short due to the online component, which enormously reduces the RPG portion. Even though this is a multiplayer title that takes place in a huge game world, Fallout 76 looks frighteningly unfinished for a full-price title. Away from these criticisms, you can expect an enormously extensive Appalachia full of adventure, which together with friends offers numerous hours of fun!

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Nov 18, 2018

Fallout 76 is one of the worst games of this year. It's a huge mess and Bethesda must go back to the basics after this game.

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6 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2018

Fallout 76 boasts an impressive open world in West Virginia, but it's a lonely journey on the country roads. It's greatest aspects are buried under a myriad of nagging technical issues.

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55 / 100
Nov 16, 2018

Fallout 76 entices that same feeling of exploring a vast open world full of unknown locations in a vast world. Constantly uncovering hidden areas and finding exotic items is here but it's hindered by the game's massive technical problems and multiplayer balancing problems. Fallout 76 is a technical mess that will have you fighting the game itself.

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5.9 / 10.0
Nov 24, 2018

Fallout 76 is a game with alot of potential but with very little to offer.

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