

Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

Game Revolution
4 / 5
60 / 100
7 / 10
Marooners' Rock
8.8 / 10
Cultured Vultures
8.5 / 10
Explosion Network
6 / 10
A or higher
Creators: Caustic Reality
Release Date: Oct 18, 2018 - PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X/S
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Infliction PC Launch Trailer

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Infliction Kickstarter Video

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Infliction Trailer #2

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Critic Reviews for Infliction

Infliction is an accomplished take on a well-worn genre. Minus two glitches and one unexplained story beat, it's a game that demands your attention and refuses to let it go until long after the credits roll. This is horror done so very right and a game that has me eagerly anticipating what McCleary and his studio are going to bring to us next.

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What sort of horror game puts you to sleep? One that doesn’t try anything new. And that’s what Infliction is.

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Infliction weaves realism and horror into a tragic tale and proves that your own home can be a terrifying place

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For those that dare, Infliction: Extended Cut is worth the trip.

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Infliction succeeds where a majority of horror games fail by providing genuine scares through its hair-raising environments and terrifying spirits that stalk the player.

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Infliction is better than the majority of games you can find like it, featuring much better writing, but its problems standout frustrating tall. Still, it's hard to not give the one person team of Clinton McCleary at Caustic Reality many props for pulling off what is here basically all by himself, and I look forward to seeing what he does next.

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Infliction is tense, terrifying and magnificent; a truly horrifying experience for fans of the genre.

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