Gensokyo Defenders

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Critic Reviews for Gensokyo Defenders
Overall, though, the blend of genres works nicely and the sheer array of variables will provide you with a good time testing out what works best for you.
Gensokyo Defenders, like so many Touhou spinoff games before it, is a low budget affair that fails to capture the same level of satisfying gameplay and unique artistry present in the original games. While the gameplay is functional and sometimes entertaining, every other part of the package serves to bring that enjoyment to a screeching halt.
Gensokyo Defenders is a tedious game at the best of times, constantly throwing walls of text at you, most of which is littered with mistakes and also incomprehensible if you don't have a copy of the Touhou Project Wikia memorised. The gameplay is decent enough, to a point, though features a stupidly steep difficulty curve and suffers from the aforementioned tedium. Unless you desperately want a tower defence game, give this a miss.
Gensokyo Defenders is a fun and challenging tower defense game in which you can – and have to – go on the offensive, using your characters main attack and skills to keep your base from being destroyed. The game offers more than enough content for its asking price, and if you're the type of gamer that likes to 100% games, you'll be spending some extra hours with this release as you upgrade your structures to be able to get a three-star rating in the handful of levels that are too hard to beat with a perfect score the first time around.
Out of all the Touhou games that I've played so far, Gensokyo Defenders remains one of the best due to its unique and addictive gameplay.
Ultimately, Gensokyo Defenders feels like something that would be more at home as a tablet or phone game, just with higher specs. If you plan on using your Switch more as a mobile style device, rather than a console, Gensokyo Defenders feels a lot more “right”. That being said, there isn’t any issue with it as a short and sweet time waster for a console. You can pick up a mission or two, and complete them in 10-15 minutes without too much hassle. Gensokyo Defenders would definitely appeal to those looking to make their Switch more of a mobile handheld, or those who enjoy a good tower defense style game.
It seems Touhou Project games are a dime a dozen if you've ever heard of the series, but they're all about having fun with characters and using them in different ways. Gensokyo Defenders is a little rough around the edges, but the mechanics in place make for some fun gameplay. It keeps things interesting by adding new characters to join your party who play differently from each other, new map ideas, introduction to new traps and an upgrade system that requires skill points to be spent and applied in any way you see fit. It's a tower defense that feels like more than the usual tower defense and it certainly scratches an itch or two.
Gensokyo Defenders really surprised me and reignited my interest in the genre. It had enough action as a stick-shooter that I wasn’t just setting traps and hoping that was enough