Kingdom Two Crowns Reviews
While not invalidating the previous title, the developers at Noio have created a sequel that shines as an independent title on the Switch, even during the holiday scene.
Its a fun game with what I believe to be design flaws and a couple of nasty bugs. It's art style looks nice, but won't appeal to everyone. The game is challenging and the co-op works well. It is a meaty game with a decent amount of content
Kingdom Two Crowns feels more like an update of previous Kingdom games than an entirely new sequel but that doesn't make the game any less enjoyable to play.
The game is fun to pick up and play for a while however the lack of insight into what you are doing at the beginning can put people off and make you feel a little lost.
GREAT - Kingdom Two Crowns consumed my time and kept me away from playing the newly released Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – so that’s saying something! There’s a lot to like here, from the visuals to the music to the addicting gameplay. Strategy fans should take notice!