Bookbound Brigade

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Top Critic Average


Critics Recommend

God is a Geek
6 / 10
5 / 10
IGN Italy
7.3 / 10
PlayStation Universe
6 / 10
The Games Machine
9 / 10
Pure Nintendo
4 / 10
The Digital Fix
5 / 10
6.5 / 10
Creators: Digital Tales USA LLC, Intragames
Release Date: Jan 30, 2020 - Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4
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Critic Reviews for Bookbound Brigade

An enjoyable Metroidvania with some significant issues. It's not easy to navigate and the combat is subpar, but the formation shifting and late game upgrades make it easier to keep turning the pages

I really wanted to like Bookbound Brigade, but its flaws are too great to overlook. There are moments when it all comes together and you get a real sense of achievement from navigating a tricky section of traps or figuring out a nice environmental puzzles, but these are too often overshadowed by boring combat and the chore that is getting around the world. Unlike the books and stories that Bookbound Brigade is inspired by, good writing is not enough to salvage this story.

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IGN Italy

Unknown Author
7.3 / 10.0
IGN Italy

Bookbound Brigade is a stylish, fun and unique light metroidvania with a brilliant concept. It lacks of polish and balance, sometimes the control scheme is unprecise and the combat system is a little bit flat, but the platform sections are generally great and the idea of the eight-bound-brigade works well.

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I really enjoyed Bookbound Brigade's humour, art style and world design but unfortunately, the unresponsive formation changes and bad map design really drag down its score. The characters are enjoyable and the gameplay, on the whole, is sound. Hopefully, after a patch to fix the control issues, I will return to find all its secrets. Until then I would wait for a sale and hopefully the fixes this game deserves.

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Booknound Brigade, just like the books from which it draws inspiration, can become an excellent travel companion: a challenging metroidvania with clear mechanics, amusing and intelligent in its many ideas.

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Bookbound Brigade had the potential to be a good or even great game. Unfortunately, it fell victim to being dull and obnoxiously difficult.

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Bookbound Brigade feels less like a literary Avengers and more like a literary Suicide Squad. It simply has not done enough to justify itself. Strictly for diehard Metroidvania fans.

Bookbound Brigade has a lot of brillant ideas, is funny and well painted, but the mechanics have some missing points, with frustrating platform moments and dull combat.

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