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Critic Reviews for Zombeer
Fortunately, it falls apart in a semi-entertaining fashion; not in a "so bad it's good" way but rather a "can't look away" way. For all the well-deserved kicking I've given Zombeer, I also pushed through to finish the game not because I was obligated to for the review, but because I was morbidly curious as to where it was going.
Oftentimes even when I loathe a game I can appreciate that it may have its own audience that would enjoy it, but Zombeer is an FPS that, if anyone told me that they liked it, I'd find myself instantly judging them for saying so.
If you are truly the ultimate zombie fan and need to play/watch/read everything there is about zombies, get Zombeer. To everyone else, don't bother. You'll only be sorely disappointed by a lackluster product that is definitely not worth the $10.99 they are charging on Steam. I hate to speak poorly of work someone else definitely put time into, but it's just not worth what they're asking.
Zombeer is, in all honestly, a cute idea stiffly marinated in Leisure Suit Larry sensibilities, Duke Nukem- like execution, and Stubs the Zombie inspirations. However, this title succeeds almost only in resurrecting those title's shortcomings while piling on some of its own. Stale at best and tedious at worst, Zombeer consistently feels like the guy who comes late to the party and spends the whole evening laughing at his own jokes. With its atrophied mechanics and lame narrative, you will need a beer of your own to wash away the memories of this rotted corpse.
Zombeer is not afraid to be the videogame equivalent of a B movie.
The few interesting ideas Zombeer has with regards to art-style, setting and voice talent, are all squandered due to an overall lack of presentation and polish.
Zombeer is bad. The humor is scattershot and groan-inducing, while the gameplay is barely functional. The graphics spend too much time on useless animations and not enough on anything useful, while the sound is awful except for parts of the soundtrack. The short play time is the only positive thing about the game, but even that isn't enough to recommend the title to anyone.