Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl

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Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl Rap Launch Trailer
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Critic Reviews for Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl
The sheer amount of references in Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl made me want to rewatch all of Kevin Smith’s catalog of films, probably while replaying Mall Brawl to find any I missed (I know what you’re thinking, and yes - Dogma is in Mall Brawl). A serviceable beat ‘em up makes it a fine enough game for fans of the genre. Mostly, it’s a game for fans of Jay and Silent Bob as a way to pass the time until Jay and Silent Bob: Chronic Blunt Punch makes its way into our loving hands.
Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl is tons of fun for fans of 8-bit brawlers.
Jay and SIlent Bob: Mall Brawl is a strong achievement, a worthy NES throwback and a fun game for Kevin Smith fans and haters alike. Unfortunately it is hamstrung by a stage so bad that it brings down the entire experience and should, quite simply, be patched out entirely or made significantly shorter and easier.
Perhaps if you wished that Double Dragon IV followed in the first two arcade games' presentation style, then Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl's 8-bit throwback approach is not for you. Regardless, for those of us who crave more in the same vein of Technōs NES bickety bam beat-'em-ups, then playing Mall Brawl may just be your retro Wolvie berserk style. What else are we gonna do? Snootchie Bootchies!
Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl does a great job recreating the look and feel of an original NES release, but takes its retro inspired roots a bit too far and becomes a game which few but the most dedicated will finish. That said, I did enjoy my time with the game and catching the references to other Kevin Smith movies.
Kevin Smith built a career on fan service, and Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl is as fan service-y as it gets. On its face, it's a typical arcade beat-'em-up, but with a shiny View Askew coat of paint. If you're looking for a solid brawler that harkens to the NES days or you're an aficionado of Smith's filmography, it's easy to recommend this charming title.
Jay and Silent Bob Mall Brawl is a game that so faithfully mimics a classic NES beat 'em up, but lacks the fidelity, attention to detail, or variety of scenarios to fully achieve what it sets out to do.