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1072 games reviewed
79.3 average score
80 median score
63.1% of games recommended

Softpedia's Reviews

Unscored - Crimsonland
Feb 29, 2016

Crimsonland is an old game that is dressed up with some new clothes. It's not good looking; it has no story, and it has no gimmick to make it more attractive. Even so, it's still going to get players hocked until they finish all the levels, and that is a sort of quality that is not easy to find nowadays.

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We cannot recommend Neverwinter Edition Enhanced Edition for PlayStation 4 not even at a heavily discounted price.

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Even if you're playing this after you've seen the movie, it's still bad. It's even worse if you're playing the game without knowing the context. In any case, Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard is a game that needs to be avoided at all cost. It's a waste of time and resources, for you and the studio that made it.

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It’s hard to judge NHRA Speed for All based purely on the gameplay experience, pretty much because this would make it one of the most disappointing releases of the year.

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Aug 9, 2019

More so, if you're a fan of the series, don't force yourself to try it for the sake of nostalgia, as it has almost nothing "Wolfenstein-ish" left in it.

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Jun 15, 2021

The game does have a relatively clever connection between its mechanics and themes. Digging up the farm and digging up a life feel somehow similar, especially when it comes to seeing long-buried stuff in a new light. But the gameplay is too limited to offer anything more than a way to get story bits. And the narrative starts off interesting, delivers a good second and third day, and then collapses. Avoid The Magnificent Trufflepigs and just play Firewatch or Gone Home again.

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Nov 11, 2020

Even though it would still be very short, if the technical aspects would have been fixed, the artistic part and atmosphere would have compensated for the length by offering an intense and memorable experience. Unfortunately in its actual form, even the most basic gameplay mechanics from Remothered: Broken Porcelain are broken, and as such, no one should waste time with it.

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Jun 9, 2020

The remaster of Mafia II remains a great opportunity totally missed by the publisher to turn the bad memories, softened anyway by nostalgia, into a new worthwhile adventure. Instead, we received a console port put together haphazardly and without any care or consideration. The Definitive Edition of Mafia II dooms the game to go down in history as an experience that went from bad to worse.

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5 / 10.0 - Dungeon Stars
Mar 15, 2019

However, why a game with such a simplistic and automatic playstyle is available on any platform that isn't portable is way beyond comprehension.

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5 / 10.0 - Concursion
Jul 15, 2014

Concursion has a great idea but, unfortunately, it manages to waste most of its potential due to glaring issues with the controls, the difficulty curve, not to mention the awful visuals. The boss fights reward only the most patient players and, in true retro style, if you can't complete a level, you can't progress any further.

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5 / 10.0 - Infinity Runner
Jul 16, 2014

It's hard to get ten functioning buttons along with a pointing device emulated on a touchscreen and having it work seamlessly, while still being able to discern what's going on on a screen that's only a few inches big, and so the reign of limited interaction and low complexity games lives on.

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Oct 10, 2021

Just like Ancestors, AWAY: The Survival Series is based on an interesting idea, but the end result is far from being entertaining or even educational. Instead of being a nature documentary it is a rudimentary combination of platformers with a bad combat system and even worse stealth mechanic.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Airplane Mode
Nov 9, 2020

Airplane Mode would have probably been a better game if it also included the check-in process and some extensive and tension-filled passport control moments. It should also have worked harder on the humor angle.

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May 24, 2019

Overall, the game's remaster is average at best, and the only demographic that will truly be interested in it is the one that grew up with the original and want to relive their glory days sniping Nazis, zombies, and Nazi zombies.

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5.5 / 10.0 - World of Warriors
Apr 2, 2018

Even though developers have removed most of the freemium aspects of the mobile version, World of Warriors remains a shallow experience that you'll want to replace as quickly as possible. While there are some positive like the cute art style, there isn't much else that's couldn't be classified as mediocre at best.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Bombshell
Jan 31, 2016

Bombshell is a relatively decent twin-stick shooter. It most certainly isn't an action role-playing game, like its marketing claims. It's also weighed down by its shoddy story delivery and by its tedious stages. Some players can have fun with it but, especially at its 35 USD/EUR, it's not worth the investment.

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Jun 24, 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight is a decent entry in the series that, while innovative in some areas, is weighed down by the cumbersome Batmobile. Once the huge PC performance issues are solved by Rocksteady, it certainly has the potential for an enjoyable experience. Until then, though, our verdict is to skip it.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Sacred 3
Aug 16, 2014

There is no point in comparing Sacred 3 to either of the two previous games in the series, as it unfortunately shares nothing with them. It just feels like a scam meant to chip some money from careless nostalgic gamers, much like shoving dirt into a jar and labeling it "grandma's peach jam."

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5.5 / 10.0 - Aaru's Awakening
Mar 4, 2015

Aaru's Awakening has a serious difficulty curve, but when you combine the twitch-based controls, the confusing art style or the camera zoom, you end up with an experience that, once completed, doesn't offer a feeling of joy or accomplishment. You just feel like you've finally completed a tedious task.

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Taken individually there are some aspects to Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League that are enjoyable. The problem is that cloning the same few basic gameplay mechanics seen in most live service games creates a negative overall experience. As a result, even if playing alongside your friends as a full party, you will feel like participating in a chores marathon.

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