Infinity Runner

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Critic Reviews for Infinity Runner
'Infinity Runner' is a valiant attempt to bring endless runner gameplay to consoles, including a unique werewolves-in-space storyline, but it's gameplay is hit-or-miss.
It tries to add something new with its story mode, but Infinity Runner isn't much more than a rote Temple Run clone.
Infinity Runner has a fun, unique concept that isn't utilized to the fullest. Dodging obstacles would be more rewarding if the difficulty ramped up alongside story mode.
Infinity Runner offers some slapdash, silly fun for those that like the idea of a first-person runner with some werewolf segments thrown in. Rather like a straight to TV movie, however, its entertainment-factor is betrayed by sloppy presentation and some technical shortcomings. It's worth a punt if the concept is appealing, but falls well short of its full potential.
Infinity Runner is a really good addition to the runner genre, and at a price of £4.99 offers decent value for money due to the re-playability factor. You can try and beat your own scores to ascend the leaderboards, as well as tackle the game challenges such as completing the story without dying on hard. Infinity Runner is a good looking game with solid sound work, and it is fun to play. The motion controls aren't the best and I wouldn't recommend using them, while the stuttering on the loading screens also needs addressing. If you're looking for a small game to play though, and like first person runners, then Infinity Runner could well be for you.
There isn't a lot to like here. Banal gameplay, cheap deaths, poor feedback, dull quick-time event combat, bad acting, worse writing, and an overall amateurish presentation. The most enjoyable part of this experience was venting to a colleague about how bad it is.
So Infinity Runner isn't without its issues. The graphics and presentation feel like you're playing a mobile game, yet this is a PC port. Multiplayer has been removed. Some sections don't make it clear what you're supposed to do. The story is mediocre. Yet, the basic premise of the game remains fun. Infinity Runner doesn't really do much that you haven't seen before, but indeed it's the first game of its kind on the PS4. But it kind of feels like the ship has long since sailed for any new endless runner game to make any sort of traction against the likes of Temple Run 2. At a price of $6.99/€6.99/£4.99, however, this is worth the cash if you're a major fan of the genre, because it gets the core of the gameplay correct.
A game where you are simply running all the time shouldn't be fun, but Infinity Runner somehow manages to be most of the time. The game is unfortunately short, but with the teasing of a sequel at the end, there is obviously the potential for more. At little over £5, it is hard not to recommend the game because you get a nice combination of fun and frustration for your money. It is definitely worth the price, but Infinity Runner had the potential to be so much more than what it is; a good game that could have been great.