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We Got This Covered

1610 games reviewed
71.1 average score
80 median score
53.9% of games recommended

We Got This Covered's Reviews

Aug 22, 2016

The tale of love and loss in Alone With You is certainly memorable, but the tedious and simple gameplay begins to grate before you reach the end.

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Don't get thrown off by the new visual style — The King of Fighters XIV still offers solid fighting action for veterans and newcomers alike, and the slate of 19 new characters is a real treat.

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Aug 21, 2016

Obliteracers is a solid and nice-looking kart racer that is ballsy enough to do its own thing. Whether it's successful or not will depend on how many people buy it, and whether those folks become invested enough to populate an online community for months to come. At this point in time, only those who love to battle friends in local action need apply.

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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is a decent sequel, but it's not the game that we were hoping for. There's a lot to like, but a lack of polish, a short runtime and a missing wow factor keep it from being great.

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Aug 19, 2016

Even with some obvious issues, F1 2016 keeps you racing right up until the checkered flag.

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Aug 19, 2016

Grow Up's got some significant technical problems, but if you can work past them, prepare for a fun and free experience.

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Aug 19, 2016

Bound is undeniably beautiful, but a chasm between the player and the characters makes it difficult to empathize with them — unless you're willing and able to bridge the gap yourself.

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Style Savvy: Fashion Forward is a charming but repetitive experience that's best enjoyed in short bursts.

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Aug 18, 2016

Okhlos is organised chaos at its best. The challenge level may provide moments of frustration, leading to multiple viewings of initial areas, but it’s easy to lose hours of time from the determination to send every God back to Olympus, where they belong.

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Aug 17, 2016

Ray Gigant follows a lot of the RPG dungeon crawler tropes, while changing up the protagonists and enemies just often enough to keep things from getting boring. It’s not a challenge by any means, taking the focus away from grinding, and instead onto sitting back and enjoying the journey.

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Aug 17, 2016

While it may not provide the same seismic shifts as last year's iteration did, Madden NFL 17 continues to to evolve and innovate, even as the series approaches its 30th anniversary.

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Aug 17, 2016

Reigns provides hours of entertainment for a cheap price. Presenting more of a balancing act than a moral dilemma, it can be equally as satisfying as it is frustrating at times. One thing it always does, though, is keep players interested.

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Aug 16, 2016

Ben-Hur doesn't succeed as a game or as an advertisement for the film. In fact, all it's really good for is some easy achievement points.

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Aug 11, 2016

It isn’t perfect by any means, but Slain: Back from Hell is a far more worthy challenger than it was when it was initially launched.

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Aug 10, 2016

No Man's Sky isn't the "game to end all games" that some fans have made it out to be, but that's no cause for alarm. What Hello Games' ambitious project does offer is the chance to savor the little details in a massive universe absolutely rife with them — a messy universe, to be sure, but one that's not that different from our own in that regard.

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Aug 8, 2016

Brut@l has visual style to spare, but like a dull book with a beautiful cover, the actual game itself is nothing more than a standard dungeon crawler with divisive rougelike elements.

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Aug 8, 2016

Despite some iffy visuals and tedious backtracking, Hiiro's calm gameplay and atmosphere, combined with a low asking price, results in an accessible adventure for platformer fans.

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Aug 7, 2016

There's an interesting story to be told in A.W.: Phoenix Festa, but sadly, this game only teases it.

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Bear With Me is a charming, imaginatively realized point-and-click noir adventure with a good balance of zany humour and chin-stroking intrigue. Those with a hankering for the good old days of the genre will find a lot to love here.

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If you can look past the various issues and shortcomings that have cropped during the transition to the PC, Little King's Story is still one of the most fun games from the original Wii's catalog.

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