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Ultimately, Indivisible is an incredibly unique little JRPG that doesn’t quite live up to its grand ambitions, but comes darn close.
In many ways the first Yooka-Laylee felt like the developers were trying to make up for lost time and bring audiences the Banjo Three-ie everyone wanted. With this follow-up, you get a distinct sense that the game has been allowed to breathe and find its own identity, and it’s an overwhelmingly positive thing.
It’s not perfect, but it’s the biggest step forward for the series for a few years. It might be the best one to pick up if you haven’t played FIFA in a while.
Code Vein is easily one of the sleeper hits of the year, and it’s an experience that’s a joy to sink your teeth into.
It’ll no doubt be right up the street of Bioware fans and De Sardet’s journey is certainly a fun one, but Greedfall is unremarkable in a few key ways.
If you liked the original or are into the Soulsborne sub-genre, The Surge 2 is a game worth buying, even if you may want to wait for them to knock off a few bucks.
Borderlands 3 is the ultimate example of playing it safe and giving their core fans exactly what they want to see. I can certainly understand the desire to not fix what isn’t broken. It’s a valid strategy.
This remake is absolutely charming, stunning, and visually striking, making it one of the prettiest Switch games out there.
While moment to moment gameplay can be fun, the overall process is just too repetitive for a genre that already has so many unique and innovative games in it.
All in all, Blasphemous is a fun game. It provides challenging enemies and platforming sections, but some challenges are less difficult and more unfair. Still, Blasphemous is a demanding experience that will make you feel rewarded for your tribulations.
NHL 20 is a great package if you skipped out on last year’s entry. However, if you already own NHL 19 there isn’t enough new to recommend picking this one up.
Overall, NBA 2K20 is still a solid experience for any video game basketball fan but it isn’t going to sway anyone who wasn’t already set on playing.
If you were hoping for a worthy successor to the excellent Zero Escape series, this ain’t it chief.
If you’re willing to tough out the rough opening hours, there’s a deep mech experience lying underneath with exceptional combat that constantly keeps things exciting, even with a few issues.
Vambrace: Cold Soul falls down in almost every way that matters, and there are far better games out there more worthy of your time.
It’s tough at times, there no denying that, but figuring out how to use each sector’s layout to your advantage will soon make you appreciate the subtly implemented progression system and impeccably designed rooms, adding to the pinball hack and slash gameplay that feels fantastic in all its forms from the moment you step foot in the mountain.
With Gears 5, The Coalition took some risks, and it makes for one of the best entries in the series yet.
Iceborne is one of the books and I can’t wait to see what the developers do next for this franchise, because I’m not sure if it can get better than this.
If you can look past that, though, there are new story elements here that help to enhance and develop its existing characters to make them feel more relatable. If not, well, at least the puzzles are awesome.
If you’re in the market for a short adventure to tide you over for an evening or two ahead of September’s big releases and its atmospheric premise intrigues you, go right ahead. However, if you’re looking for the next smash-hit horror title, you’re best going elsewhere.