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Hardcore Gamer

2960 games reviewed
74.1 average score
80 median score
57.2% of games recommended

Hardcore Gamer's Reviews

This story, these characters and this product are simply too good for only a small segment of the population to enjoy.

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2 / 5.0 - Teslapunk
Oct 20, 2015

Teslapunk simply cannot be recommended in any form. While it has a fantastic idea for a scoring system, everything else about it is simply unappealing.

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Oct 19, 2015

With dozens upon dozens of playable characters, arenas, music, and art pieces to unlock using currency earned in game, Saint Seiya: Soldiers' Soul, the series' faithful will have plenty see and do before they are done with this title. Other players will find themselves wanting something with a bit more teeth.

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Sure, if you still have a ton of things to do in Wild Hunt (and frankly, why wouldn't you?) then you can certainly justify passing on paying for more content, but if you're someone who wants another robust storyline to dive into and some intriguing new mechanics, then Hearts of Stone is for you. Yes, this is more Wild Hunt, but seeing as how masterful it is, how could that be anything but a fantastic thing?

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2.5 / 5.0 - Rakoo & Friends
Oct 18, 2015

An end-of-day way to relax, but sadly nothing more.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Ride
Oct 15, 2015

Ride has far more good points than bad. As a motorcycle racer, it's exciting and manages to stand out in a fairly crowded market. As a sim racing game, it's accessible and plays like a dream right away. It is hurt quite a bit by horrendous load times on the PS4 and many players on Steam have experienced issues with it — so it might be best to wait a while before buying that version. The PS4 version is solid, though, and worth a purchase for racing fans.

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By focusing on a new concept that strays from their normally mature games, this episode paves the way for what is hopefully a great series from a great developer.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Broforce
Oct 15, 2015

While the mechanics are not as tight as they could be, and there still is a bit of rust hanging around from Early Access, this that shows us that giving an in-development title your hard-earned cash isn't always a bad call. Perhaps with future content updates and tweaking, Free Lives can elevate Broforce from the good game it is to the great game it can be.

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4 / 5.0 - Mushroom 11
Oct 15, 2015

Whether it's figuring out how to land on a platform so that, when it starts swinging, you don't get dumped into the acid below, or guiding a rocket up an angled shaft so it carries you to the plants above, or sacrificing a chunk of mass so that it can get fried carrying electricity from generator to door, Mushroom 11 demands each area be looked at with the lessons learned from previous sections. The wasteland of the corpse of civilization is not a forgiving place, but with a little care and a huge amount of perseverance, the fungus' journey may let it see what lies at the conclusion of the unforgettable journey of Mushroom 11.

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2.5 / 5.0 - Extreme Exorcism
Oct 13, 2015

[W]hile Extreme Exorcism contains a fair amount of excitement in its opening minutes, that novelty eventually wears off quicker than you'd hope for.

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Oct 13, 2015

Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer is a fun twist on the original Animal Crossing games.

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It's repetitive in its continuous swarms of enemies, challenging in the constant flurry of bullets headed your way and ends up sapping most of the potential fun out of itself. Bedlam may suit your needs if all you need is a trip down FPS memory lane, but you're better off seeking any number of similar titles which actually offer compelling gameplay.

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1.5 / 5.0 - Armikrog
Oct 11, 2015

So much of Armikrog feels neglectful and lazy, lacking anything to make it stand out. Even the claymation look of it doesn't save it from the carelessness put into it. It's hard to see where that million dollars went. All of that said, it isn't terrible, but if you've never had the pleasure of playing The Neverhood, do yourself a favor and pick that up instead.

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Oct 11, 2015

While one wants to be honest when reviewing a title, it feels a tad mean-spirited tearing into There Was A Caveman. So much love and care went into crafting this title and it shows.

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Civilization's anything-can-be-traded-however-unlikely diplomacy system was a key element of the game and seems to have been removed and the war and peace system is broken as stands. Hopefully this will all be patched at some point, the way Beyond Earth had a significant patch history, as Rising Tide brings a number of positive changes to the table.

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Oct 7, 2015

Devastation takes some of the best pieces of Bayonetta and throws them in a package you can feel unadulteratedly good about while also producing the best Transformers game yet.

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Dragon Quest Heroes is a perfectly-balanced marriage of Dragon Quest sensibilities with Dynasty Warriors dynamics. That sounds exactly like what it should be, but easier said than done, and Omega Force has done it.

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Oct 6, 2015

The Talos Principle: Deluxe Edition is a fantastic package of two great first-person puzzlers.  It's basically identical to the PC version, so if you've got those already there's not much need to double-dip, but otherwise it's a must-own.

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3.5 / 5.0 - Pixel Galaxy
Oct 6, 2015

Pixel Galaxy is a clever little non-shooter where your only ability is to move and convert enemies into helpers, and as simple as the endless squares that make up its art are, they look great in motion.  There are a lot of creative weapons and bullet patterns to dodge through, and constant tug-of-war with the enemy swarms is a lot of fun until it becomes a constant beatdown.

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Oct 5, 2015

This release manages to slightly surpass the original due to a more interesting story focus and a great side mode.

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