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565 games reviewed
75.7 average score
80 median score
55.0% of games recommended

Gameplanet's Reviews

Feb 24, 2015

Majora's Mask for 3DS represents the best execution of the game, boasting impressive graphics and extraordinary gameplay depth.

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5.5 / 10.0 - The Order: 1886
Feb 20, 2015

It's amazing the mileage The Order gets from its incredible presentation and world, but that goodwill is squandered by a title that's middling to poor in most other areas.

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Feb 18, 2015

Super Stardust Ultra is basically a prettier and marginally expanded version of Super Stardust HD that can only really be recommended to newcomers.

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8 / 10.0 - Apotheon
Feb 17, 2015

A tendency to crash every now and then aside, Apotheon is a shining example of the Castlevania genre.

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9 / 10.0 - The Escapists
Feb 12, 2015

The Escapists is a break out success for Mouldy Toof studios. A must-play for indie gaming fans with a little patience.

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8 / 10.0 - Sunless Sea
Feb 11, 2015

The static narratives and roguelike gameplay in Sunless Sea don't always gel together harmoniously, but Failbetter Games has succeeded in delivering a tense and engaging experience and a rich and atmospheric setting.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Evolve
Feb 10, 2015

When it all comes together, Evolve is the finest vehicle for the player-driven narratives developer Turtle Rock covets, but inevitably pacing can be an issue.

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6 / 10.0 - Dying Light
Feb 5, 2015

What's here works well enough, but it lacks soul, and if there's any motivation to continue it's only that you want to see it through - a damning indictment for any game.

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Episode 2: The Lost Lords represents a significant improvement in both the writing and production departments at Telltale.

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The first episode of Life Is Strange is a mixed bag – the dialogue grates and inspecting items is a bore, but there is promise elsewhere. With the story's foundations laid down, the next episode could be a standout.

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Jan 28, 2015

Grim Fandango Remastered makes a terrific game widely-available once again, but more could have been done to update this returning classic.

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8 / 10.0 - Blackguards 2
Jan 19, 2015

With a stronger protagonist and better combat and RPG systems, Blackguards 2 is a more engaging, more incisive game than the original.

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Warlords of Draenor is WoW at its very best, a return to and step beyond form for the behemoth MMO.

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Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris is a capable twin stick isometric puzzler best enjoyed cooperatively, some bugs and missing polish notwithstanding.

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5.5 / 10.0 - The Crew
Dec 10, 2014

The world of The Crew is remarkable, but rarely has a great asset been squandered so tragically on a framework of dull grinding and insipid storytelling.

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Iron From Ice's weak characters and water-treading story don't get the series off to a great start, but there is hope things will improve.

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Dec 5, 2014

The Witcher Adventure Game is a truly stunning digital version of the board game, that sadly only highlights how much more fun you and your friends could be having playing the physical version.

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Dec 3, 2014

The Old City is rich in evocative sets, but it's too eager to impress with its cleverness.

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Dec 1, 2014

Lego Batman 3 justifies its existence by expanding massively on what made its forebears successful. It probably won't hold the attention of mum and dad, but it's a great title for the kids.

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Tales from the Borderlands may be light on gameplay, but it's long on entertainment. An easy recommendation for fans of adventure games and the Borderlands series alike.

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